| - Королевская Гвардия (Также известная как "Гвардия")-это люди которые защищают королевские семьи .Каждая страна имеет свои уникальные отряды Гвардии основанные на её климате и характере.
* Королевство Драм: Эти гвардийцы одеты в теплую одежду. Они носят зеленые пальто, снежные очки, ухо-лоскутные снежные шапки, коричневые перчатки и черные сапоги. Пока король Вапол не был свергнут их лидером был Далтон.
* Алабаста: These guards are dressed with a tunic capes, brown metal dragon-pattern armor, sandals, and a metal helmet. They are often seen having a long rods with a blade at the end. Igaram is the captain of the guards, with Pell and Chaka being the commanders under Igaram. While Igaram was gone, Chaka was the acting captain. They first appeared in Chapter 130 and Episode 78. The Tsu
| - Королевская Гвардия (Также известная как "Гвардия")-это люди которые защищают королевские семьи .Каждая страна имеет свои уникальные отряды Гвардии основанные на её климате и характере.
* Королевство Драм: Эти гвардийцы одеты в теплую одежду. Они носят зеленые пальто, снежные очки, ухо-лоскутные снежные шапки, коричневые перчатки и черные сапоги. Пока король Вапол не был свергнут их лидером был Далтон.
* Алабаста: These guards are dressed with a tunic capes, brown metal dragon-pattern armor, sandals, and a metal helmet. They are often seen having a long rods with a blade at the end. Igaram is the captain of the guards, with Pell and Chaka being the commanders under Igaram. While Igaram was gone, Chaka was the acting captain. They first appeared in Chapter 130 and Episode 78. The Tsumegeri Guards were the elite amongst these guards.
* Мариджоя: These guards are dressed in medieval armor, with pointed helmets and the armor covering their chest and arms. They wear aqua green pants. Their weapons of choice are spears, and they usually accompany the World Nobles.
* Лвнил: These guards are dressed in a mesh-mail that covers their arms, with a purple double-breasted bolted sleeveless shirt over it, with two brown belts at the waist, purple gloves, and blue pants. They have no sailing experience, which led to many of them dying on their way to Jaya on the Northheim.
* Королевство Рюгу: These guards are composed of Fishmen and mermen, they dress in harden shells and wield tridents. Jinbe, Aladdin and Hody Jones were also part of the guards before they departed for personal reasons. A similar organization of guards within the kingdom are the Ammo Knights.