Bastion Misawa, known as Daichi Misawa(三沢大地Misawa Daichi) in the original Japanese language version, is a fictional character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime and manga series. In the English version, Bastion is voiced by Eric Stuart, while Yūki Masuda takes the role in the Japanese version. A highly analytic duelist, Bastion is portrayed as a mathematical genius who covers his cards and the walls of his room with endless numeric formulas, believing that everything in life can be calculated arithmetically. The neglect of his character is a running gag throughout the series.
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| - Bastion Misawa
- Bastion Misawa
- Bastion Misawa
| - Bastion Misawa, known as Daichi Misawa(三沢大地Misawa Daichi) in the original Japanese language version, is a fictional character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime and manga series. In the English version, Bastion is voiced by Eric Stuart, while Yūki Masuda takes the role in the Japanese version. A highly analytic duelist, Bastion is portrayed as a mathematical genius who covers his cards and the walls of his room with endless numeric formulas, believing that everything in life can be calculated arithmetically. The neglect of his character is a running gag throughout the series.
- Bastion Misawa llamado Misawa Daichi en la versión original japonesa, es un duelista extremadamente analítico que pertenece al dormitorio Ra Amarillo de la Academia de Duelos.Bastion es un genio matemático que tiene el hábito de escribir las incontables formulas numéricas que calcula encima de sus cartas y las paredes de su habitación en el mismo momento que le vienen a la mente para evitar olvidarlas, porque tiene la creencia de que todo en la vida puede ser calculado aritméticamente.
- Bastion ist ein sehr rational denkender Mensch. Er plant und berechnet seine Züge in einem Duell lange bevor es überhaupt stattfindet um so vor seinem Gegner im Vorteil zu sein. Und schreibt oft soviel mathematische Formel an die Wände seines Zimmers das es bald keinen platz für weitere gibt. So gewinnt er nicht nur das Duell gegen Chazz Princeton, sondern bringt auch Jaden Yuki im Duell in Bedrängnis als er ihm die Möglichkeit der Fusionbeschwörung nimmt.
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fr name
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| - * Bonding - H2O
* Litmus Doom Ritual
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Power Off
- * Dark Designator
* De-Fusion
* Mystical Space Typhoon
- * A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon
* Bonding - H2O x2
* Double Spell
* Litmus Doom Ritual
* Living Fossil
* Pot of Greed
Romaji Name
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ritual monsters
| - * Litmus Doom Swordsman
- * Litmus Doom Swordsman x2
video game debut
| - Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy
erster auftritt
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| - * Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell x2
* Last Magnet
* Ring of Destruction
* Spirit Barrier
- * Amorphous Barrier
* Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell
* Magic Cylinder
* Magnet Force Plus
- * DNA Surgery
* Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan
* Ring of Destruction
effect monsters
| - * Carboneddon
* Hydrogeddon x2
* Mathematician
* Oxygeddon
* Water Dragon
- * Barrel Dragon
* Element Dragon
* Element Magician
* Magical Scientist
* The Trojan Horse
* White Magician Pikeru
- * Carbonneddon
* Conduction Warrior Linear Magnum ±
* Magnet Warrior Ω-
* Magnet Warrior Σ+
* Hydrogeddon x2
* Oxygeddon
* Plasma Warrior Eitom
* Water Dragon
* White Magician Pikeru
normal monsters
| - * Hyozanryu
- * Vorse Raider
| - Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki en Español
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appears in psp
| - * Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force
* Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2
* Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3
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en name
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Voiced by
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Previous Occupation
| - Dr. Eisenstein's assistant
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| - Bastion Misawa
- Bastion Misawa
| - Bastion with "Water Dragon".
| - Anime: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Episode 1
- Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Chapter 3
appears in ps
| - Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force Evolution
appears in anime
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appears in gba
| - Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy
appears in nds
| - * Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Spirit Caller
* Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008
wc08 deck
| - * Air Pressure
* Equation of Love
* WeakDrain
previous organization
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anime deck
| - * Water Dragon
* Magnet Warrior
* Six Attributes Deck
appears in xbox
| - Yu-Gi-Oh! Millennium Duels
gx04 deck
| - * Intro Level
* Advanced Level
* Practical Level
* Reform Level
* Enlightenment
gx02 deck
| - * Stirless Earth
* Brilliant Radiance
* Water of Tranquility
* Pitch Darkness
* Allegro Airs
* Invasion of Flames
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aux1 name
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| - * Niban
* Last Samurai
* Misawy
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Ja Name
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gx03 deck
| - * Aqua Tactics
* Aqua Tactics 2
* Neo Aqua Tactics
* Hurricane March
* Earth Tactics
* Raiding Flame
* Shadow Strategy
* Light of Knowledge
* My Idol Deck
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