| - In the original Tales of Destiny, Mary Argent launches a stronger version of Power Missile, localized as Fierce Missile, with an added chance to cause a dizzy effect to the target. In the remake versions, Mary slams her axe to the ground, causing three pillars of light to erupt in front of her. This arte returns with a slightly different name in Tales of Vesperia, where the Japanese name lacks the interpunct (・), changing it from Gou Majinken (剛・魔神剣?) to Goumajinken (剛魔神剣?). The change is reflected in the slight alteration of the localized name from "Fierce Demon Fang" to "Fierced Demon Fang".
| - In the original Tales of Destiny, Mary Argent launches a stronger version of Power Missile, localized as Fierce Missile, with an added chance to cause a dizzy effect to the target. In the remake versions, Mary slams her axe to the ground, causing three pillars of light to erupt in front of her. Fierce_Demon_Fang_(ToS).jpg|Fierce Demon Fang as it appears in Tales of Symphonia. Fierce_Demon_Fang_(ToI).png|Fierce Demon Fang as it appears in Tales of Innocence. In Tales of Symphonia, the user slams their weapon to the ground, creating a shock wave that damages enemies in a wide arc in front of them. It is from the "Strike" branch, its "Technical" counterpart being Double Demon Fang. Additionally, if a character has used the arte over 200 times, that character can add an Earth-elemental property to this attack through the use of the "Ruby" accessory, the Tethe Seal: Earth arte, an Earth-elemental weapon or the "Yellow Quartz" item, to replace the arte with the more powerful Earth-based Grave Blade. This arte returns with a slightly different name in Tales of Vesperia, where the Japanese name lacks the interpunct (・), changing it from Gou Majinken (剛・魔神剣?) to Goumajinken (剛魔神剣?). The change is reflected in the slight alteration of the localized name from "Fierce Demon Fang" to "Fierced Demon Fang".