There is a much greater tendency to actually add facial and bodily features to insects and arachnids that simply aren't present on their real counterparts in order to anthropomorphize them even slightly. Other animals are much less commonly subject to this when they are anthropomorphized pr otherwise drawn in a non-lifelike manner. Typically, those facial and bodily features are human or otherwise mammalian.
Attributes | Values |
| - Sliding Scale of Anthropomorphism/Analysis
| - There is a much greater tendency to actually add facial and bodily features to insects and arachnids that simply aren't present on their real counterparts in order to anthropomorphize them even slightly. Other animals are much less commonly subject to this when they are anthropomorphized pr otherwise drawn in a non-lifelike manner. Typically, those facial and bodily features are human or otherwise mammalian.
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| - There is a much greater tendency to actually add facial and bodily features to insects and arachnids that simply aren't present on their real counterparts in order to anthropomorphize them even slightly. Other animals are much less commonly subject to this when they are anthropomorphized pr otherwise drawn in a non-lifelike manner. Typically, those facial and bodily features are human or otherwise mammalian.
* Noses shaped either like human noses or like the generic jellybean shape that looks vaguely like a dog's nose. Real Life insects and arachnids don't even have noses to begin with.
* Vertebrate eye structure with sclerae, pupils, the ability to blink, and even irides.
* Often has four legs instead of the correct six if an insect.
* Often has six legs instead of the correct eight if an arachnid.
* Sometimes have Non-Mammal Mammaries
* Having back legs or back and middle legs located on the abdomen instead of having all legs being located the thorax like they are in Real Life insects.
* Have legs on the abdomen and a head instead of having all legs and head located on the cephalothorax and an abdomen like they are Real Life arachnids.
* Hands and feet with fingers and toes respectively.
* Two eyes instead of the five eyes that Real Life insects have. This can be forgiven as three of those five eyes are far smaller than the other two.
* Two eyes instead of the eight eyes that Real Life spiders have.
* Have vertebrate mouths, jaws, and teeth instead of or in conjunction to their mandibles if an insect.
* Have vertebrate mouths, jaws, and teeth instead of or in conjunction to their chelicera if a arachnid.
* Sometimes have a facial "mask" marking
* Sometimes have a shortish, doglike muzzle
* Sometimes has a vaguely humanoid torso Examples of Sliding Scale of Anthropomorphism/Analysis include: