Sister of Gerald Strickland. Even less tolerant about morality and law than her little brother.
* All Girls Want Bad Boys: In the game finale, with Kid Tannen, of all people.
* Big Bad: Of the game.
* Catch Phrase:
* "It's a fact, look it up."
* "Hooligans!"
* Crazy Cat Lady: The original 1986!Edna and Crazy, Old 1931!Edna.
* Cloudcuckoolander: Edna. By the time Episode 5 rolls around, Marty exclaims, "Jeez, that lady was always a loon!"
* Epic Fail: While in 1876, Edna tried to burn down Hill Valley's saloon since her grandfather wouldn't do anything about it. ...this ended up burning down ALL of Hill Valley.
* Evil Old Folks
* From Nobody to Nightmare
* Grumpy Old Woman
* Hollywood Tone Deaf: However, her song is quite effective when it was
Attributes | Values |
| - Back to The Future/Characters
| - Sister of Gerald Strickland. Even less tolerant about morality and law than her little brother.
* All Girls Want Bad Boys: In the game finale, with Kid Tannen, of all people.
* Big Bad: Of the game.
* Catch Phrase:
* "It's a fact, look it up."
* "Hooligans!"
* Crazy Cat Lady: The original 1986!Edna and Crazy, Old 1931!Edna.
* Cloudcuckoolander: Edna. By the time Episode 5 rolls around, Marty exclaims, "Jeez, that lady was always a loon!"
* Epic Fail: While in 1876, Edna tried to burn down Hill Valley's saloon since her grandfather wouldn't do anything about it. ...this ended up burning down ALL of Hill Valley.
* Evil Old Folks
* From Nobody to Nightmare
* Grumpy Old Woman
* Hollywood Tone Deaf: However, her song is quite effective when it was
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| - Sister of Gerald Strickland. Even less tolerant about morality and law than her little brother.
* All Girls Want Bad Boys: In the game finale, with Kid Tannen, of all people.
* Big Bad: Of the game.
* Catch Phrase:
* "It's a fact, look it up."
* "Hooligans!"
* Crazy Cat Lady: The original 1986!Edna and Crazy, Old 1931!Edna.
* Cloudcuckoolander: Edna. By the time Episode 5 rolls around, Marty exclaims, "Jeez, that lady was always a loon!"
* Epic Fail: While in 1876, Edna tried to burn down Hill Valley's saloon since her grandfather wouldn't do anything about it. ...this ended up burning down ALL of Hill Valley.
* Evil Old Folks
* From Nobody to Nightmare
* Grumpy Old Woman
* Hollywood Tone Deaf: However, her song is quite effective when it was sang by others.
* Hot Scoop: In 1931
* Love Redeems: Hooking up with Kid Tannen results in both of them mellowing out a lot.
* Knight Templar: Her views of justice are... Petty, to say the least.
* Moral Guardians
* Not-So-Harmless Villain
* Puppy Dog Eyes: Young Edna lays this trope on Young Emmett, provoking a hilarious attempt at a smile .
* Red Herring Shirt
* Shadow Dictator: Citizen Edna.
* She Who Fights Monsters
* Well-Intentioned Extremist: More Extreme than well-intentioned.
* Why did it have to be dogs ?: Not anymore in the ending