| - In Haitian mythology, an intermediary spirit between God and humans that expects to be properly served, not just communicated with.
- Die Loa (trollisch für: Alte Götter) sind eine Sammlung verschiedenster Geister, die von den Trollen auf Azeroth angebetet werden. Sie sind mächtiger als Elementare, aber bei weitem nicht so mächtig wie Götter. Die Loa existieren seit Urzeiten auf Azeroth und sind älter als die Titanen. Die Trolle glauben daran, dass jedes lebende Wesen einen Geist besitzt und dieser Geist "Loa" ist.
- The loa were the spiritual deities in Hajian voodoo that were said to inhabit a plain known as the spirit world. According to the religion, they took the form of natural phenomena such as storms, and could appear in visions as familiar figures to the person they are attempting to reach. There were to be multiple loa, each varying in power, purpose, and agenda. Grandma Tosh attributed Gabriel Tosh's psionic powers and visions to them. By 2503, Tosh considered Hajian voodoo to be a dead religion, and with it the worship of loa in the Koprulu Sector.
- Voz is leader the Mechans on the lost world of Kalypso, somewhere in the asteroid belt. The Mechans are half-human, half-mechanical creatures planning to take over Mars and other planets. A spaceman named Van is captured by the Mechans and forced into slave labor. Loa fills him in on the details of Kalypso. Van begins a rebellion against the Mechans and causes a flood to destroy the creatures.
- Alani Ryan is a student of the X-Men.
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- Loa is a term for voodoo spirits who serve the distant and unknowable Supreme Creator, Bondye.
- Born in Hawaii, Alani Ryan loved to surf all the time. She is a student at the Xavier Institute, and has adopted the codename, Loa, and along with her fellow students, Anole, Rubber Maid, Kidogo, Network, and Indra, was assigned to Alpha Squadron, the training squad advised by former Alpha Flight member, Northstar. When Northstar was apparently killed by Wolverine, advising duties for Alpha Squadron were taken over by Karma.
- Volk Trolle Volk Art Gott Zugehörigkeit Voodoo Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Der/die (uneinheitlich) Loa, (Singular und Plural identisch), ist ein Wort trollischen Ursprungs. Als Loa werden allgemein ursprüngliche Götter des Voodoo oder Waldgeister in der trollischen Religion bezeichnet. Die Loa Geister sind mächtiger als die Elementare, aber nicht so mächtig wie Götter. Bekannte Hauptloa (nach Trollarten) sind:
- Loa (Alani Ryan) is a young mutant with phasing-like powers. Deadpool rescued her on Utopia when the X-Men were under attack by Selene. He and Loa teamed-up to combat and defeated the Acolytes. Loa and Deadpool met in the following comics: X-Force Annual #1
- 10px default Primary eye colour. (eg. Blue) (Else use Eyes2) desc none 10px default Primary hair colour. (eg. Brown or Bald) (Else use Hair2) desc none Status CitizenshipImage:Information-silk.png10px default OPTIONS : Married, Single, Widowed or click for more options... desc none [[:Category: Characters|]] 10px default Use only if character is currently deceased. desc none 10px default The creators of this character, separated by ;'s. (eg. Stan Lee; Steve Ditko) desc none First appearance Unknown
- También llamados “Oscuros”: Los espíritus vudú son los espíritus más oscuros del mundo. Habitualmente reciben y piden prácticas sangrientas: sacrificios y rituales con órganos, huesos, o la propia sangre. No tienen por qué ser malvados, aunque su inclinación generalmente es cruel, o sino extremadamente volátil y peligrosa. Pueden enloquecer a su invocador si no sabe conservar la compostura.
- Die Loa zählen zu den Wilden Göttern Azeroths, welche sich in der Urzeit des Planeten in jenen Gegenden entwickelt hatten, die von den Wassern des Brunnens der Ewigkeit berührt worden waren. Die Bezeichnung "Loa" wurde ihnen von den frühen Trollen gegeben. Wie auch die anderen Wilden Götter wurden sie von Freya mit dem Smaragdgrünen Traum verbunden.
- Loa (ロア Roa) is a vampire girl who serves an enigmatic and dangerous cabal, the motives of which are currently known. Dangerously powerful and sadistic, Loa becomes even more of a threat after she claims the powers of Relic von Waldstein in 2005. Soon after, she proves her might by exterminating the Sunford Clan all by herself.
- Loa (qya. wzrost) – naturalny eldarski rok, nazywany także świetlnym. Nazwa ta była używana również w Kalendarzu Dúnedainów. Po między Yávië i Quellë znajdowały się dwa dni Enderi, czyli dni "środkowe". Zaczynał się dniem Yestarë (mniej więcej 6 kwietnia), a kończy się dniem Mettarë . Loa dzielił się na sześć pór (długich miesięcy) (quenya):
* Tuilë - wiosna;
* Lairë - lato;
* Yávië - jesień;
* Quellë - szaruga;
* Hrívë - zima;
* Coirë - przedwiośnie; (sindariński):
* Ethuil
* Laer
* Iavas
* Firith
* Rhîw
* Echuir
- The Loa (the troll name for the often lesser Wild Gods) are a collection of spirits worshiped by trolls on Azeroth. Loa spirits are more powerful than the elementals, but not as powerful as dieties. They are ancient to Azeroth, formed by the life giving powers of Freya the Keeper, who also tethered their spirits to the Emerald Dream.
- The Loa are a cyber-sapient species, evolved from the Artificial Intelligence research of several carbon-based races. The word “Loa” itself means “Spirit” or “Soul” in their native language. The majority of Loa consider the phrase “artificial intelligence” to be a racist insult, and argue that there is nothing “artificial” about their sapience. On the contrary, the Loa regard themselves the products of evolution like any other life form, equal to or superior to the carbon-based life forms which were their ancestors.
- Les Trolls tirent leur pouvoir de la magie vaudou par des rituels compliqués et par l'invocation des Dieux Primaires, de Vieux Dieux, d'esprits de la forêt et des esprits ancestraux : leurs esprits Loa et leurs dieux. La foi des chasseurs des ombres et la communion avec les dieux Loa leur accordent la magie vaudou et guérisseuse ainsi que d'autres capacités. Le Chasseur des ombres apprend la magie qui gêne des ennemis et aide des alliés, gagnant un mélange unique de sorts qui sont issus des aspects occultes du Loa.