| - Claudio's eyes were light blue, as opposed to the rest of his family's brown eyes. In fact, none of his ancestors have light blue eyes. He is one of three deceased Veronaville Sims to have a pre-made biography (the other two being Contessa Capp and his wife Olivia Monty) and the only one as well to already have a career and skill points. Claudio also has personality points, as many deceased Veronaville Sims do not. He, his wife, and Contessa Capp can be resurrected using the Resurrect-O-Nomitron and will look just like they appear in their head-shots but the player will have to restore their marriages. He even holds a job as a Sous Chef to the family restaurant, despite not having the skills for that career level. Patrizio's memories might suggest Claudio and Antonio are twins, though that
| - Claudio's eyes were light blue, as opposed to the rest of his family's brown eyes. In fact, none of his ancestors have light blue eyes. He is one of three deceased Veronaville Sims to have a pre-made biography (the other two being Contessa Capp and his wife Olivia Monty) and the only one as well to already have a career and skill points. Claudio also has personality points, as many deceased Veronaville Sims do not. He, his wife, and Contessa Capp can be resurrected using the Resurrect-O-Nomitron and will look just like they appear in their head-shots but the player will have to restore their marriages. He even holds a job as a Sous Chef to the family restaurant, despite not having the skills for that career level. Patrizio's memories might suggest Claudio and Antonio are twins, though that is never stated. Claudio and his wife both died due to starvation. If you look at him with SimPE, you may find a hidden thumbnail of him as an elder. His appearance is basically the same, but he has another outfit and grey hair. It is unknown why this picture exists. In Claudio's character files, he has a hidden Knowledge aspiration token. According to his age data, he was 23 days from being an elder when he died. Even though Claudio had reached level 6 of the Culinary career, he doesn't have the corresponding career reward available for him to purchase. In Monte Vista, Claudio appears as an unborn baby. The player could name him "Claudio", linking his name to the sequel in The Sims 2, though it is up to the player to do so. Shakespeare has two characters named Claudio: The Lord of Florence in Much Ado About Nothing, and a gentleman in Measure for Measure. File:Icon invent cog bulb.png Resurrection tip This Sim can be brought back to life using the Resurrect-O-Nomitron, the genie lamp or an evil witch's spell. For more information, read Game guide:Bringing Sims back to life.