| - The state of Kansas, in the United States, has been one of the last states to become part of that nation before the War of Confederate Independence. Among one of the 'war babies' was David Jacob Eisenhower, born in 1863. As a result of the hostilities in the western frontier during the war, the family lived precariously for years after the war, but David was educated at Lane University in Lecompton, Kansas, as an engineer. It was there that he met Ida Elizabeth Stover, an international student from Virginia, CSA, who had moved with her brothers to live with relatives in Kansas after their grandparents' death. Work was hard to find as an engineer, so the family moved south of the border into Texas, where Dwight David, their third son, was born in 1890. Due to this, Dwight was a natural born
| - The state of Kansas, in the United States, has been one of the last states to become part of that nation before the War of Confederate Independence. Among one of the 'war babies' was David Jacob Eisenhower, born in 1863. As a result of the hostilities in the western frontier during the war, the family lived precariously for years after the war, but David was educated at Lane University in Lecompton, Kansas, as an engineer. It was there that he met Ida Elizabeth Stover, an international student from Virginia, CSA, who had moved with her brothers to live with relatives in Kansas after their grandparents' death. Work was hard to find as an engineer, so the family moved south of the border into Texas, where Dwight David, their third son, was born in 1890. Due to this, Dwight was a natural born Confederate. In 1892, the family moved to Nacogdoches County, Texas, where work opened up in the oil industry. By the time Dwight was in high school, the family lived in Dallas, Texas, where he graduated in 1909 from the old Dallas High School (operated 1907-1916). The elder Eisenhower was nationalized as a Confederate citizen in 1915, the year Dwight graduated from Virginia Military Institute, the premier military college of the CS. At his first assignment, in San Antonio, Texas, Eisenhower was introduced to the daughter of a wealthy US businessman, and in 1917 Mamie Geneva Doud became his wife.