| - Lord Hood:"This is Grand Kilo two-three --" Master Chief:"That got cut in Halo 2 " Lord Hood:"You got to be kidding me" Smart Marine:"Can't we just MAC the cannon like in Halo Wars" Master Chief:"Shut up! You just told everyone the next Halo game jeez do ya'll ever shut up" Feral Outcast from Brute Force XBOX:" You're a faaaaag RAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH" Master Chief:"Ok first you're suppose to be at the ending level and second didn't you get raped by this huge cat?" Jason Jones:"No but I'll dance like I do in Halo level" "Chuck and some Marines find workers running past fusion coils as a door behind them opens. The coils are shot and they are sent flying. Suddenly, and Outcast Shaman and two Feral Meancasts from Brute Force come in." Outcast Shaman:"Raaaargh! Even Vengar can't save you now Brutus. The new members of the Outcasts, far superior!" "Everyone stops what they're doing and looks at them speechless, including Glenn Quagmire and the Two Hunters that were originally suppose to come through the door." Feral Meancast:"Uhh.....sir. We aren't in Brute Force, this is Halo 3." Outcast Shaman:"Aww come on!" "Suddenly, the Brute Force squad appears. Tex, Brutus, Flint, and Hawk." Tex:"Time for a good ol' fashioned lizard hunt." Flint:"Like shooting reptiles in a barrel." "Everyone, including the Shaman and his Meancasts, look at them, speechlessly." Flint:"What? It's a figure of speech." Master Chief:"Oh my god. You idiots are suppose to be in Brute Force, just cuz that's based off this game, doesn't mean it's in the same league." "The Dreadnought launches into the portal." All Covies, Marines, Master Chief, and Brute Force :"NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Truth :"Red rings of DOOOOOOOOOM!" "A ship enters orbit." Tex:"What is it, Shrikes?" MC:"Worse." Film Crew:"Umm Runnels Bound where you going?"