| - Mimesen are a small folk of humanoid plant-beings, with a size of roughly the same as one of the Jadeners. The sages say they are able to speak the Common Tongue it taught properly. More importantly, however, they can change their appearance and shape into another plant of roughly their size, in oder to blend with the surroundings. They are related to the Mandragora-women in the Witchworld, at the Witch-Star in the ultimate Ophis. Well-known were Tautason and Santauta who died 120 vP in Urug. See also: Fairies and Elves Humanoide, kleine Pflanzenwesen von der Größe eines Jadeners, welche die Allgemeine Sprache beherrschen, wenn man sie ihnen beibringt, und die ihre Gestalt in die eines beliebigen kleinen Wesens der Pflanzenwelt verwandeln oder ihr Aussehen der Umgebung anpassen können. Verwandt sind sie den Alraunen-Frauen des Hexensterns in der Südwelt.