| - Near the end of the Great Crusade, some time before the Council of Nikaea, the 40th Expeditionary Fleet encountered the Quietude. The Quietude were immediately hostile and had attacked the 40th Fleet in two separate actions, attempting to drive it out of their space. In the second of these actions, the Quietude captured the crew of an Imperial warship. The Quietude then ignored an Imperial ultimatum to cease hostilities and return the crew, instead subjecting them to torture and vivisection to extract information. The Quietude claimed the information extracted from these unlucky subjects "proved" that the Imperium were simply pretenders to the heritage of Mankind; and that when the Age of Strife ended the Olamic Quietude would return to the wider galaxy and take their rightful place as the true inheritors of the human future. Naturally finding such a contradiction of the Imperial Truth unacceptable, but evenly matched by the formidable forces of the Quietude, the 40th Expedition grudgingly called for the aid of the Space Marine Legions in the form of the Space Wolves' 3rd Great Company ("Tra" Company) to assist in the assault on the Quietude's homeworld. The Space Wolves began the attack by assaulting the orbital facility above the planet, and despite the Quietude's martial reputation and advanced technology, easily overcame the formidable onboard defences composed of gracile and robust cybernetic troops. The 40th Expeditionary Fleet then began an orbital bombardment of the planet below, which proved ineffective against the ice caps that the Quietude had extended over their hive cities. Imperial Army ground forces found the going much more difficult when they landed, despite being supported by Titans and super-heavy tanks, with the strange lamp-like beam weapons mounted on the Quietude's defence towers extracting a heavy toll from the Imperial forces. After sustaining heavy casualties, the Imperial Army forces were withdrawn on the request of the Space Wolves, much to the anger of the Imperial Army commanders involved in the assault. Instead of another frontal assault, the Space Wolves used the vast orbital facility they had captured to unleash an orbital bombardment. Forcing the space station out of its orbit, it fell into the world's atmosphere and smashed into the Quietude's cities with the power of tens of thousands of nuclear weapons, breaking through the ice shields and inflicting cataclysmic damage. This unconventional assault was followed by a full scale attack on the now-burning cities from the combined Astartes and Imperial Army force that brutally eradicated the Quietude and purged all trace of their presence from the galaxy. It was later discovered that the orbital space station or "Instrument" as the Quietude called it that the Space Wolves had dropped on the planet was, instead of a weapon or military base, a vast archive that contained the last record of all Quietude culture and technology, causing it to be lost to Mankind forever.