| - Sir Sean Connery (Thomas Sean Connery) urodził się 25 sierpnia 1930 roku w okolicach Edynburgu w Szkocji.
- Sean Connery was born in America (how else can he have brass balls?)He beat God in a magazine contest. He is best known for playing American secret agent James Bond. However, In the Hunt for red October, he also portrayed an American who was born in Commie Russia with the sole mission of stealing a Soviet Submarine to give to The Greatest President Ever and Ronald Reagan's Ghost.
- Connery wurde am 25. August 1930 im schottischen Edinburgh geboren.
- Sean CONNERY (angle ĵon KONri, naskiĝis la 1930, do nun 25-jara) estas skota aktoro . Sean Connery naskiĝis en Eldorado. Mondfamon li gajnis pro sia rolo de Zamenhof, la juda agento kun la licenco por krei lingvon. Sed ankaŭ aliaj roloj portis al li sukceson: En la jaro 1987 li gajnis la Oskaron pro la filmo The Untouchables.
- Sir Thomas Sean Connery, Légion d'honneur, (born 25 August 1930) is an Oscar winning Scottish actor who has starred in many films and is best known as the original cinematic James Bond. Connery is known for his trademark Scottish accent and his good looks, repeatedly mentioned as one of the most attractive men alive by magazines even after he was considerably older than more conventional sex symbols. Some consider him more handsome now than when he was younger.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Sean Connery Real Name Unknown Job Titles Voice Actor First publication Unknown
- An annoying, unauthorized voice. First appeared replacing the Stuffy British Voice that was harassing Dover (and moved on to harassing the mall). During the events of XX, it began to annoy Immortus and the G-Man, at one point possessing G-Man's briefcase (and promptly being vaporized). Later re-appeared during the time-warp when Omniwave malfunctioned. He appears to be based off the SNL version of Sean Connery, mocking other players in a similar fashion to what he did to Alex Trebek. Slated to appear in another game... if RZ doesn't get banned again.
- Sir Thomas Sean Connery is a Scottish actor. He is best known for playing James Bond and he is apparently he is the father of Billy and Brent Hamburger.
- He is best known for portraying the character James Bond, starring in seven Bond films between 1962 and 1983. In 1988, Connery won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in The Untouchables. His film career also includes such films as Marnie, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, The Hunt for Red October, Murder on the Orient Express, Dragonheart, and The Rock. Connery has been polled as "The Greatest Living Scot" and was knighted in July 2000. In 1989, he was proclaimed "Sexiest Man Alive" by People magazine, and in 1999, at age 69, he was voted "Sexiest Man of the Century".
- Sir Thomas Sean Connery, KBE (born August 25, 1930) is a Scottish actor who is best known for originating the role of British secret agent James Bond from 1962 to 1983. He played Michael MacBride in the 1959 Disney film, Darby O'Gill and the Little People. He also played Dr. Robert Campbell in Medicine Man, Captain John Patrick Mason in the 1996 Hollywood Pictures film, The Rock, and Dr. Henry Jones, Sr. in the third Indiana Jones film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
- Sean Connery, właściwie Sir Thomas Sean Connery, jest szkockim aktorem, reżyserem, producentem filmowym oraz scenarzystą. Urodził się 25 sierpnia 1930 roku w Edynburgu w dzielnicy Fountainbridge jako syn Euphemi- sprzątaczki i Josepha- pracownika fabryki i kierowcy pojazdów ciężarowych. Gdy miał 9 lat rozpoczął pierwszą pracę- został rozwozicielem mleka.Gdy miał 13 lat skończył szkołę podstawową, a wraz z nią cykl kształcenia i edukacii. W następnych latach pracował jako ochroniarz i model.
- The Op-Yop was a toy marketed in the 1960's by a company based in Royal Oak, Michigan called Kramer Designs. The company's original location was an office on Adams in the neighboring community of Birmingham. The history we could find was based on a Time Magazine article in 1968 where it was stated that a million of the Op-Yops had been sold and another million were expected to sell by Christmas. In my travels, I have found some additional information including an internal memo relating to some six months worth of advertising that was done on the Soupy Sales Show with Soupy doing the commercials shot in Detroit. There were also memo's to retailers advising them to stock up on the toy to be in sync with the Soupy Sales ads. I tracked down the original molder who made the parts and talked to
- Sean Connery, właśc. Thomas Sean Connery (ur. 25 sierpnia 1930 w Fountainbridge w okolicach Edynburga) – szkocki aktor. W wieku 9 lat rozpoczął swoją pierwszą pracę - rozwoził mleko. Gdy miał 13 lat zakończył swoją edukację. Później pracował między innymi jako: ochroniarz, model, kulturysta. W siedemnastym roku życia wstąpił do wojska, lecz zwolniono go z powodu wrzodów żołądka. Jednym z pierwszych sukcesów Connery'ego było zajęcie trzeciego miejsca w konkursie Mister Universum. Następnie dostał się do chórku marynarzy. Wtedy zaczął traktować aktorstwo jako sposób na oderwanie się od problemów świata. Zagrał też, mimo braku talentu tanecznego, małą rolę w musicalu "South Pacific". W środowisku teatralnym spotkał wielu ludzi oczytanych, wykształconych. Chcąc dorównać tym ludziom, zaczął duż
- Sean Connery est un hominidé (ou grand singe), né le 25 Août 1930 à Edimbourg, en Ecosse. Connu aussi sous les noms de: Sean La Classe /Sean Le Chauve /Sean Le Pieu /L'homme le Plus Classe Du Monde /L'écossais le plus radin du monde après Picsou /L'homme le plus radin du monde après Picsou /La Fourrure /King Kong /Papy Fait De La Resistance
- Sir Thomas Sean Connery (born 25 August 1930) is a Scottish actor and producer who has won an Academy Award, two BAFTA Award (one of them being a BAFTA Academy Fellowship Award) and three Golden Globes (including the Cecil B. DeMille Award and a Henrietta Award).
- Sir Thomas Sean Connery (born 25 August 1930 in Fountainbridge, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK) is a Scottish actor and producer. He is known for his portrayal as James Bond in seven Bond films between 1962 and 1983. Connery also won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in The Untouchables. His mannerisms and notable dialogue were parodied during Experiment 508's Operation Double 007, which starred his brother, Neil, in a role similar to Sean's in the James Bond films.
- Trained from an early age by Ordovician Monksh, Sean ish an eckshpert in hand-to-hand nun beating, a hobby that hash shtayed with him to thish very day. Gambling being hish hobby, thish prime shpeshimen of Shcottish manhood likesh to schpend mosht of hish time in cashinosh inveshtigating bad guysh in the shervische of her majeshty. Hish love for rule onsche began at an early age and only shtopped when he dishcovered the wondersh of Atlantish. Sean is now running hish own mashively shucsheshfull webshite www.ScotOrNot.com, resheiving over 100,000 hitsh a day.
- He is best known for portraying the character James Bond in film, starring in seven Bond films between 1962 and 1983. In 1988, Connery won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in The Untouchables. His film career also includes such notable films as Marnie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, The Hunt for Red October, Dragonheart, and The Rock. The voice of his character Marko Ramius can be heard inside the Red October as the submarine joins the rebels in the battle in Blue Harvest. Connery is voiced by John Viener.
- Connery is known for his trademark Scottish accent and, though considerably older than more conventional sex symbols, is repeatedly mentioned as one of the most attractive men alive. Aside from the role as MI6 agent 007, he has appeared in various acclaimed and/or rather popular films such as The Hill, The Longest Day, The Offence, The Man Who Would Be King, The Wind and the Lion, Robin and Marion, A Bridge Too Far, The Untouchables, The Russia House, The Hunt for Red October, Philip Kaufman's Rising Sun, The Rock, Entrapment, Finding Forrester and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. He has worked with the likes of filmmakers such as Gus Van Sant, Michael Bay, Richard Fleischer, Peter Hyams, Alfred Hitchcock and John Boorman.
- Sean Connery est le premier acteur qui a joué le rôle de James Bond. Il est d'origine écossaise, donc il est britannique, comme la plupart des acteurs qui ont joué le rôle de l'agent secret. Au temps où il a enfilé le smoking du célèbre espion, Connery était encore inconnu. Il a joué dans six films produits par EON Production et dans un autre film considéré comme hors-série. Mais il est aussi connu pour avoir était un acteur de théâtre reconnu. Ainsi que le père du personnage mythique Indiana Jones, son nom Henry Jones Sr. (dans le troisième volet). Il a aussi incarné le personnage de Allan Quaterman dans le film La Ligue des Gentlemen extraordinaire. Il a maintenant prit sa retraite malgré que certains lui demande de venir faire des apparitions dans James Bond ou Indiana Jones 4 (son per
- Thomas Connery nació el 25 de agosto de 1930 en Edimburgo (Escocia). Su madre es de origen escocés. Su padre de orígen escocés, por parte de abuela, e irlandés por parte de abuelo, tendrá la oportunidad de trabajar y alquilar un modesto apartamento en el 176 de Fountainbridge. La pobreza es el destino común de los habitantes del barrio de Thomas, que más tarde se convertiría en Sean Connery. Después de diez años sabáticos, Sean Connery retoma el camino de los estudios. Los Inmortales, El nombre de la rosa, Los Intocables y La Roca han hecho de él un verdadero mito viviente. Filmografía