UWAGA!!! JESZCZE NIE ZROBIŁEM TEJ STRONY WIĘC NIE DZIW SIĘ ŻE JEST NIE ZROBIONA!! This user wants to change the nickname on the Łuki, but it did not work out, so from now on it is Łuki. Clear? If you want to fight with me, you see what is below! Fight: Łuki vs. Someone there Łuki hit Someone there. Damage:0 HP. Someone there is dead! Welcome to my user page. Here's my template: Łuki My favorite articles are:
* Oblivion
* Shit
* The purest of the pure nonsense
* 99 Bottles of Beer
* My page
* Game
* Psychological Game My games on a computer is:
UWAGA!!! JESZCZE NIE ZROBIŁEM TEJ STRONY WIĘC NIE DZIW SIĘ ŻE JEST NIE ZROBIONA!! This user wants to change the nickname on the Łuki, but it did not work out, so from now on it is Łuki. Clear? If you want to fight with me, you see what is below! Fight: Łuki vs. Someone there Łuki hit Someone there. Damage:0 HP. Someone there is dead! Welcome to my user page. Here's my template: Łuki My favorite articles are:
* Oblivion
* Shit
* The purest of the pure nonsense
* 99 Bottles of Beer
* My page
* Game
* Psychological Game My games on a computer is:
* Mafia Demo
* Gothic II PL
* Age of Empires II PL
* NFS High Stakes (Road Chalenge) (I had to upload the patches to me to work on XP)
* Hidden and Dangerous Deluxe
* Unreal Tournament 99
* Robin Hood the Legend of Sherwood
* NHL 2002