| - A fiction series produced as a Podcast since September 2007. A Spin-Off from the shared story universe Metamor Keep, Metamor City takes the High Fantasy setting of the original and projects the timeline forward 1300 years. The result is part Urban Fantasy, part Cyberpunk, part City Noir, and part Shining City. Yes, all in one place. The series falls somewhere in the middle of the Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: Grey and Gray Morality is a common theme, and while there are plenty of Reasonable Authority Figures, they're unable to solve many of the city's systemic problems.
| - A fiction series produced as a Podcast since September 2007. A Spin-Off from the shared story universe Metamor Keep, Metamor City takes the High Fantasy setting of the original and projects the timeline forward 1300 years. The result is part Urban Fantasy, part Cyberpunk, part City Noir, and part Shining City. Yes, all in one place. Metamor City is the capital of the Empire of Metamor, a mostly-benevolent superpower ruled by the Genius Loci of the valley where the city is built. The constraints of geography and the power of Magitek resulted in a Mega City where "moving up in the world" is a literal reality: the wealthy inhabit the highest levels of the massive skyscraper towers, while the ground level is a haven for criminals, feral monsters and those too poor to escape further up. Laying over the entire city is The Curse, an ancient enchantment that will randomly transform the body of anyone who stays around more than a few days, unless appropriate protective magic is used. The series falls somewhere in the middle of the Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: Grey and Gray Morality is a common theme, and while there are plenty of Reasonable Authority Figures, they're unable to solve many of the city's systemic problems. The series so far consists of one novel and about a dozen shorter stories ranging in length from flash fiction to novellas. The stories do not focus on a single ongoing plot, but characters from one story often pop up later in others as their interests coincide or run into conflict with each other. The head author states that there is an over-arching Metaplot that will reveal itself as the series continues. There is a Character Page, but it needs lots of fleshing out.