| - The Act of Parliament was passed on 28 July 1884 and the first section of line between Aviemore and Carrbridge was opened on 8 July 1892, the next section between Carrbridge and Daviot on 19 July 1897 and the final section to Millburn Junction in Inverness on 1 November 1898. As part of the Highland Railway, the line became part of the London, Midland and Scottish Railway in 1923. The line became part of British Railways Scottish Region on railway nationalisation in 1948. During the Government review of British Railways to reduce the financial losses on the railways, Dr Richard Beeching recommended the closure of small little-used country stations. Consequently, the small remote stations on the line, including, Culloden Moor (closed to passengers on 3 May 1965 and to goods on 27 February 1967) Daviot (closed 3 May 1965), Moy (closed 3 May 1965) and Tomatin (the station, coal sidings and goods yard, but not the distillery's goods station, closed on 3 May 1965) were all closed in the mid 1960s. The only surviving stations on this line were Inverness, Carrbridge and Aviemore, since the very remote and rual nature of the line made non-touristic ares historicly ecanomicly unvable. Tomatin distillery's corporate goods station had not closed 3 May 1965, but the distillery's siding had closed by the mid 1970s. The Culloden Moor and Tomatin sidings were taken by Highland Bitumen of Adrossens. Culloden Moor's sidings was still in use up to 1986.