| - Sakura is the twin sister of Daisy. She is a fun Sim. She has pale skin, brown hair in odangos and dark brown eyes. She also wears a yellow dress with pinkish red flowers. She also has a heart tattoo in her face. She likes to cook with her friend, T.O.B.O.R..
- Sakura (Ikimono Gakari) From Wiki.theppn Artist Ikimono Gakari Single SAKURA Release Date 2006.03.15 Catalog Number ESCL-2803 Price ¥1,223 Tracklist: 1.
* Hot Milk (ホットミルク) 3.
* Sotsugyo Shashin (卒業写真) 4.
* SAKURA -instrumental-
- A summon that is casted by McNeil's LV 4 OverDrive in Random Kingdom. This Sakura is the manifestation of McNeil's memory of his dead girlfriend. She attacks by covering the enemy troop in knotty, blossoming cherry-tree branches that grow around and through their bodies. The branches then explode into clouds of cherry petals. Damage is applied at the moment of this explosion.
- Sakura was a rebel and a freedom fighter for the Republic. She was a student at the Academy of Mandalore and was studying "Athletics and Medicine". She was the daughter Anna Schabauer and Robert Elkins' second child, she also had two brothers named Emilio and Luke. In 19, BBY was Sakura killed on Sarrakh. This was a big punch for the whole group and it also turned out to be the fall of Rebel Origins. Sakura was always remembered, as a friend and rebel.
- SAKURA were a visual kei band, formed in June 2014; they officially started activities on February 28, 2015. Their music emphasizes rock combined with traditional Japanese elements.
- right left|100px Rencontre: Ferme de Tilda Faction: Les mages du Monastère Métier: Novice Catégorie:Les PNJ Catégorie:Les mages du Monastère
- The Sakura was an ExoCruiser in the ExoFleet during the Second Neosapien War. During the campaign against Jonas Simbacca's Pirates, Admiral Winfield ordered it to provide supporting fire to protect the ExoFrigates Copernicus and Newton.
- "The tools used to produce these are disassembled and put in for maintenance daily. As expected, established producers spare no expense for quality!"
- The Sakura or Cherry Blossom was the symbol of the samurai caste, and the symbol of honor and duty. It also suggested gentleness, renewal, spring, innocence mood or emotion.
- Sakura (jap. サクラ) japońska replika Rochelle pojawiająca się w filmie Samoloty.
- Sakura (サクラ) is a major playable character from Fire Emblem Fates on the Birthright and Revelation routes. The youngest of the Hoshidan royal siblings, Sakura is a healer who commands the loyalty of Subaki and Hana as her personal retainers. Sakura is voiced by Hisako Kanemoto in the Japanese version and Brianna Knickerbocker in the English version.
- Sakura is a type of Construct that is inhabited by the exile known as Tengu. Sakura is a feudal japanese temple and home a group of female warriors. As its name suggests, cherry blossom trees cover the grounds of the temple making it one of the most beautiful sights to behold. it is similar to the Yuki construict
- Sakura (桜, Cherry blossoms?) is Cherry's miko niece and the Tombiki High School nurse. She is engaged to Ozuno Tsubame.
- Sakura Yaharada is the main protagonist of Fruit Ninja: The Series. She is voiced by Brenna D'Amico, who voiced Jane in Descendants Wicked World. She is a beginning fruit ninja.
- Sakura est le nom japonais des cerisiers ornementaux ainsi que de leurs fleurs. Ces arbres ayant uniquement une fonction décorative, ils ne produisent pas de fruits. Ils constituent l'un des symboles du Japon les plus répandus, et sont présents partout au Pays du Soleil Levant, étant représentés aussi bien sur les kimonos que la papeterie et la vaisselle. Leurs fleurs sont également symbole de beauté et de nature éphémère. "Sakura" est le prénom le plus donné aux jeunes filles japonaises.
- Sakura is a major playable character in Fire Emblem Fates on the Birthright and Revelation paths. She is the youngest of the Hoshidan royal siblings, and has two retainers Subaki, and Hana.
- Sakura (さくら Sakura?) is one of the orphaned children of the Hayabusa Ninja Clan.
- Punch Throw (all games)
- Sakura is a character appearing in anime series.
- Sakura is the fifth ending theme to the original Prince of Tennis. It was sung by Yomu Hamaguchi.
- Sakura (サクラ Sakura?) is the illustrator that did several pictures and short comics, mainly of Mega Man and Rush, for promotional material like the Secret Files, the Club Capcom magazine, a video from Capcom's Arekore series, and for the gallery of the Rockman Complete Works games. In his drawings, most characters are troublesome, and Mega Man is a rude, rash, and reckless kid.
- Sakura (サクラ Sakura) es un personaje jugable de Fire Emblem Fates, concretamente en Estirpe y Revelación, mientras que en Conquista ejerce el papel de enemigo.
- Sakura is a Darth in the Order; Dark Lords of the Sith located on Byss.
- Sakura is the heroic name of Sam Collington, member of the Masterminds.
- Sakura is Gin's mate, making her the mother of Weed, Yukimura and Joe.
- Sakura (サクラ Sakura, Japanese for cherry blossom) is the 8th single of Nirgilis released on March 1, 2006. The title song sakura is the 4th opening theme song of Eureka Seven, from episodes 40 to 49.
- Sakura is the location of a planetary system, the orbit of which includes the world of Sakura Prime, an inhabited world. (VOY episode: "Dreadnought")
- The word "Sakura" means "Cherry Blossom" in Japanese. The Japanese are very proud of these flowers and they have a great influence on Japanese pop culture.
- Sakura is an automobile manufacturing company in Just Cause 2.
- She wears a blue hat with a silver strip on the bottom right corner, with this she wears a modified military uniform which is blue in colour. It has a small blue and white skirt, with the top being blue, that exposes her shoulders. With this she has a black blouse with a white shirt and small red tie. This is accompanied witth red ribbons falling from her forearm clothes, black stockings, and blue boots.
- Sakura (さくら Sakura?) is the ringmaster of the circus La Cirque Grande. She appears in the episode "Here Comes Ranma's Mom!", misunderstood to be Ranma's mother.
- Petite amie d’Ichigo, disparue lors de la destruction de son monde. Ayant suivi la voie du Silence, elle évolua par ses propres moyens à travers les mondes du Prismandalé. Le destin voulut qu'elle recroisa le chemin d' Ichigo qu'elle entrainât pendant deux mois après des retrouvailles mouvementés, où le jeune homme dut faire fi de sa lâcheté pour se racheter de l'avoir laissé tomber lors de la destruction de leur monde.
- Sakura est une mage de la guilde indépendante Dark Dream
- Sakura is a student at Queen's Duel Academy. She hangs out with Mei and idolizes Akiza Izinski. Her name means cherry blossom.
- Ő egy középiskolai lány, akinek Ryu a példaképe.
- Sakura Kusaka (日下桜 Kusaka, Sakura) is the daughter to Kazuki. She was trained just like her father in the ways of all six ninja elements. She mainly builds the arsenal for the Shinobimen with some help from Shuriken.
- Sakura Kasugano is a Street Fighter character first introduced in Street Fighter Alpha 2. She is a 16-year-old (as of Street Fighter Alpha 3) Japanese schoolgirl who has an intense fascination with Ryu. She has managed to copy and learn some of Ryu's techniques, but really wants him to train her personally.
- Sakura(サクラ) ist ein spielbarer Charakter in Fire Emblem Fates Vermächnis und Fire Emblem Fates Offenbarung. Sie ist das jüngste Kind der Hoshidischen Königsfamilie und wird von Hisako Kanemoto in der japanischen Version und von Brianna Knickerbocker in der englischen Version gesprochen. Ihre Getreuen sind Subaki und Hana. Sie freut sich mit am meisten, den Avatar wiederzusehen.
- "You must first pick th right po émon to defeat mine" Sakura is the first gym leader in the Oblivia region. As a gym leader she decorated the gym with purple flowers and ivy branches herself. She wears a pink kinmono with a orange highlight and wears her blue hair into pigtails.
- Sakura (さくら) es un miembro secundario del clan Hayabusa.
- Sakura, was know as Blossom in the older translations, is usable by Shadow, and is purchased in Albrook, Narshe and Vector for 3,200 gil. It has 112 battle power and is wind-elemental. Outsiders can Throw the Sakura as an attack.
- The last character introduced and only girl so far. Loved by all of the boys. Currently Michael's girlfriend.
- Sakura (春日野 さくら, Kasugano Sakura) is a character in the Street Fighter games. She is a 16-year-old (as of Street Fighter Alpha 3) Japanese schoolgirl who has an intense fascination with Ryu. She has managed to copy and learn some of Ryu's techniques, but really wants him to train her personally. Sakura Kasugano typically fights in her school uniform, a short-skirted sailor fuku (serafuku) with the collar popped and red bloomers underneath. She wears a red top under her uniform, sparring gloves, a white headband and a pair of red sneakers.
- Sakira has long light brown hair with two side plaits, and pink eyes. Her outfit usually consists of silver and pink color combinations. She wears a knee-length, silver kimono with pink hearts on it. When Akira was younger she wore a longer kimono.
- File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: File:WaterIcon.png Water: Eva-13 File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: Cabaletta | Jack | Sagat | Yuan Shao File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Titania Dragon | Dong Zhuo File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Water (Carnage) | Wood (Time) | Light (Carnage) | Dark (TIme)
- Sakura is the current navigator of the Regenerated Pirates who joined the crew after Takuya fall in love with her.She was saved by Takuya of marines that they wanted for their abilities as a Navigator.
- La flor de cerezo son una metáfora de lo efímera que es la vida, y como tal se presentan a menudo en el arte, y están relacionados con los samuráis y los kamikazes. Hay por lo menos una canción popular, originalmente Shakuhachi (Flauta de Bambú), titulada Sakura, así como una serie de canciones pop. "Sakura" es también un nombre común femenino japonés.
- You can find Sakura ingame in HKO in Kuririn's Coffeehouse in Florapolis. She will ask you to help her gather materials and hand out invitations to be able to open her coffee-shop. Sakura is CoroCoro Kuririn's girlfriend and recently they had 7 children together. Sakura came to her owner's house on February 4th but was probably born in a pet shop. She loves good food - boiled eggs most of all. Sometimes she eats too much and has to go on a diet.
- Sakura Kasugano is a character from Capcom's long-running Street Fighter franchise. One of the most popular characters of the series, she is most famously (or infamously) known in UFS for her promotional character card, which allows players to reduce block modifiers, play multiple Reversal attacks, and utilise and give any attack in hand the Reversal keyword.
- In XXXHOLiC è stato introdotto un nuovo concetto nel mondo CLAMP, molto vicino al significato della parola "archetipo": in diversi mondi esistono persone che condividono la stessa anime, e a quanto pare, lo stesso aspetto. Sono comunque le uniche cose in comuni, a parte coincidenze. Queste persone possono avere genitori e fratelli o famiglie diverse, età diversa, poteri diversi, e via dicendo. Esistono diversi esempi di archetipi per Sakura:
- Sakura (Hiragana: さくら; Katakana: サクラ) is the Japanese name for ornamental cherry trees, Prunus serrulata, and their blossoms. Cherry fruit (known as sakuranbo) come from a different species of tree. Sakura, a well-known and ubiquitous symbol of Japan, are represented on all manner of consumer goods, including kimono, stationery, and dishware. Cherry blossoms are an enduring metaphor for the ephemeral nature of life, and as such are frequently depicted in art, and are associated with both samurai and kamikaze. There is at least one popular folk song, originally meant for the shakuhachi (bamboo flute), titled "Sakura", as well as a number of pop songs. "Sakura" is also a common Japanese female name.
- Theses Constructs, including Sakura, were remnants of various points in time within the matrix that was saved and salvaged by the Archivist's Society and hidden. Only those with a special Archive Key (in the form of books) are able to enter these constructs. These keys can be found and purchased in specific bookstores within Richland. When given these keys, as well as maybe completing some requirements, the archivist proxy would then teleport the player into the construct of their choice.