| - Should there be a standardized subheading in the "Behind the Scenes" section of articles about episodes addressing canon conflicts caused by the show? For example, in the Lair of Grievous article, there would be a subheading labeled "Continuity" mentioning Kit Fisto's mysterious presence of eyelids, Grievous revealing his four arms to a Jedi who escapes and talks to the council, R6 droids decades before their invention, the whole Grievous "choosing" his modifications deal, etc. Or should we just assume things like this aren't erroneous and not mention them at all? -Milo Fett[Comlink] 22:38, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
| - Should there be a standardized subheading in the "Behind the Scenes" section of articles about episodes addressing canon conflicts caused by the show? For example, in the Lair of Grievous article, there would be a subheading labeled "Continuity" mentioning Kit Fisto's mysterious presence of eyelids, Grievous revealing his four arms to a Jedi who escapes and talks to the council, R6 droids decades before their invention, the whole Grievous "choosing" his modifications deal, etc. Or should we just assume things like this aren't erroneous and not mention them at all? -Milo Fett[Comlink] 22:38, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
* I think that would be good. —Lucius malfoy7 Image:Nute777.png (Give it up for Lil' 'Soka Tano, ladies and gents!) 22:39, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
* Right now it's somewhat disorganized and it says "bloopers" in one article and "mistakes" in the next. -Milo Fett[Comlink] 22:40, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
* It doesn't need to be mentioned on every article, only where it's completely necessary and directly related to the article in question. It should be included anyway, regardless of the project. Please judge scrupulously on what to include, as some stuff comes close to original research. Also, just a note for future reference: it's "Behind the scenes", not "Behind the Scenes". —CC7567 <a href="http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/thumb/5/5f/Rex.png/20px-Rex.png">http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/thumb/5/5f/Rex.png/20px-Rex.png</a> (s)talk 22:47, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
* I realize continuity errors should be documented anyway, I just meant there should be a standardized format for doing so for TCW, which contains more continuity errors than possibly any other EU work. I'm not counting errors related to the timeline (Anakin's scar, Ventress, etc.) because the official statement is that it's currently being rearranged and there's no official new timeline yet. -Milo Fett[Comlink] 22:52, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
* Agreed; statements about gaps, holes, or errors (Wat Tambor never escaping, Eeth Koth in Wild Space) should be the only material included. —Lucius malfoy7 Image:Nute777.png (Give it up for Lil' 'Soka Tano, ladies and gents!) 22:58, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
* I'll use the "Lair of Grievous" article as an example, since I don't think I should have reverted the entire edit. Mentioning the Nautolan's lack of eyelids is fine, but since the "R6 unit" is named and has an article, it can be mentioned there, not in the episode in which it appears. Also, implications fall under both speculation and original research, so please do not add them. "Gaps" in continuity falls under original research, and is not directly related to the episode, so it should not be included. As for a standardized format: there is none, and since it can easily be changed/applied, it doesn't need to be part of the project. —CC7567 <a href="http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/thumb/5/5f/Rex.png/20px-Rex.png">http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/thumb/5/5f/Rex.png/20px-Rex.png</a> (s)talk 23:01, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
* Duly noted; I unreverted it and only included the part about the eyelids. -Milo Fett[Comlink] 23:04, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
* What was the reasoning behind reverting Duel of the Droids? -Milo Fett[Comlink] 23:13, 15 April 2009 (UTC)
* It was original research; I restored it. —CC7567 <a href="http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/thumb/5/5f/Rex.png/20px-Rex.png">http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/thumb/5/5f/Rex.png/20px-Rex.png</a> (s)talk 23:20, 15 April 2009 (UTC) In a way, the Continuity errors in the Behind the Scenes makes the articles look dull. Prehaps organizing it to match the article than just having run-on sentences with no bullet points. JangFett You want to clone me? 18:47, 2 May 2009 (UTC)