| - Morgan D'Estaing was born in 1783 in Gambias, France. A foundling found in the wealthy D'Estaing family, Morgan was raised by adoptive parents who thought they would never have children of their own. It was only much later their son was born and later on a daughter were born. Morgan seemed to have a great life but things changed in the years to come. In 1803, Philippe D'Estaing made an announcement to the family about who would control the estate. He told Morgan that it would be his younger brother, Bernard D'Estaing, that would inherit since he is of D'Estaing blood. Morgan believed that he should be the one since he was the oldest. Morgan's father told him he would get a monthly allowance, but Morgan was none to pleased, and walked away. Later on that night, Morgan went to his brother's bedroom and tried to smother him with a pillow. Philippe was walking by the room and heard a muffled scream, he went in to the room and saw Morgan trying to kill his brother. Philippe stabbed Morgan to stop him. Morgan died. Later, in a coffin, he revived as an Immortal. Another Immortal, Xavier St. Cloud, sees potential for his kind of training in the new Immortal. He introduced himself to Morgan and told him what he was. Morgan became Xavier's student, but pushed for immediate revenge against his family. Xavier told Morgan that he must be patient, that was his first lesson, and they both leave. Three years passed. The Napoleonic Wars have gotten bad for the French. The forces of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland are invading. Morgan and Xavier head to the Chateau D'Estaing, the D'Estaing family are broken, they are about to lose everything. They are stunned to see Morgan alive and well. Morgan wanted to kill everyone, but Xavier walked in and introduced himself. Xavier told Morgan, again, about patience. Xavier asked Philippe where the money and jewelry were. Morgan was anxious to kill the family, but Xavier suggested they have a drink of wine to show they are civilized. Morgan and Xavier leave and Morgan was angry that they did not kill the family, by Xavier reminds Morgan of patience. Morgan realized that Xavier poisoned their wine. Morgan's revenge was complete. As they left the chateau, they sensed the presence of another Immortal, Duncan MacLeod, a member of the British Army. Duncan remembered Xavier from a previous encounter, but Morgan met MacLeod for the first time. Because they were surrounded by mortals, Duncans soldiers, the Highlander couldn't challenge Xavier and he and Morgan walked away. Morgan was devoted to Xavier and sought vengence against MacLeod after he beheaded his teacher. In 1996, Paris, he was was a jewel thief. He ran into Duncan MacLeod, and tried to kill him. At first close toMacLeod's barge, where he lured the Highlander into a hall, using poison gas to weaken him. Duncan managed to escape before Morgan could take his head. Later Morgan went to a boat where MacLeod is having dinner with Renee Delaney and Inspector Dufay, who are investigating the robberies Morgan had committed. Morgan and MacLeod spoke in private and MacLeod realized that Morgan poisoned the wine that Renee and Dufay were about to drink. Unfortunately Inspector Dufay died as a result of the poison. Morgan secluded himself at an old chateau outside Paris, where he was found and arrested by the police. At the jail, Morgan hanged himself so that he could escape via the morgue. Morgan left the morgue and tracked down Duncan and Delaney. Morgan went to where Renee Delaney was staying, and he and Duncan face off with one another on the rooftop. Morgan stabbed Duncan with a poison knife so as to slow him down and take his head. Duncan, however, managed to stay awake long enough to behead Morgan and receive his Quickening.