Martha's Gulch, an expansive secure compound in Cascadia, was created before the Great War by the rich and paranoid libertarian billionaire Martha Lore to serve as refuge against the "injustices" of the federal government. Two hundred years later, Martha's Gulch serves as the capital of the isolationist Libertarian Republic of Gulch and the headquarters of Atlas' Guard. It is also the center of commerce in the Olympian Peninsula and home to Pantheon Radio, a radio station devoted to the truth that has been a thorn in the side of Atlas' Guard for years.
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| - Martha's Gulch, an expansive secure compound in Cascadia, was created before the Great War by the rich and paranoid libertarian billionaire Martha Lore to serve as refuge against the "injustices" of the federal government. Two hundred years later, Martha's Gulch serves as the capital of the isolationist Libertarian Republic of Gulch and the headquarters of Atlas' Guard. It is also the center of commerce in the Olympian Peninsula and home to Pantheon Radio, a radio station devoted to the truth that has been a thorn in the side of Atlas' Guard for years.
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| - Atlas' Guard, Pantheon Radio
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| - Great War, Olympian Civil War
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| - Caroline Finch, Vigo Adams, Zelda Walker, Samantha Dearborn
| - Olympian Peninsula, Washington
| - Martha's Gulch, an expansive secure compound in Cascadia, was created before the Great War by the rich and paranoid libertarian billionaire Martha Lore to serve as refuge against the "injustices" of the federal government. Two hundred years later, Martha's Gulch serves as the capital of the isolationist Libertarian Republic of Gulch and the headquarters of Atlas' Guard. It is also the center of commerce in the Olympian Peninsula and home to Pantheon Radio, a radio station devoted to the truth that has been a thorn in the side of Atlas' Guard for years.