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Sindarin or Grey Elven was originally an elvish dialect that arose in Beleriand among the grey Elves of the first Age from their own local Telerin dialect.Later it became the common lingua franca among the elves and was even preserved among the Dúnadan Nobility as language of etiquette.

  • Sindarin
  • Sindarin
  • Sindarin
  • Sindarin
  • Sindarin
  • Sindarin or Grey Elven was originally an elvish dialect that arose in Beleriand among the grey Elves of the first Age from their own local Telerin dialect.Later it became the common lingua franca among the elves and was even preserved among the Dúnadan Nobility as language of etiquette.
  • Sindarin is an artificial language (or conlang) developed by J. R. R. Tolkien. In Tolkien's mythos, it was the Elvish language most commonly spoken in Middle-earth in the Third Age. It was the language of the Sindar, those Teleri which had been left behind on the Great Journey of the Elves. It was derived from an earlier language called Common Telerin. When the Ñoldor came back to Middle-earth, they adopted the Sindarin language, although they believed their native Quenya more beautiful. Before the downfall, most of the Men of Númenor also spoke the language. Knowledge of it was kept in the Númenórean realm in exile Gondor, especially amongst the learned. Sindarin is the language referred to as the Elven-tongue in The Lord of the Rings.
  • thumb|Sindarin Sindarin oder Grauelbisch war die Elbensprache von Beleriand und später die Hauptsprache der Elben in Mittelerde. Sindarin entwickelte sich nachdem der Rest der Eldar nach Eldamar gezogen waren. Beispiele für Sindarin sind das Gedicht A Elbereth Gilthoniel, die meisten Ortsnamen in Beleriand, die Namen der Könige von Arthedain und der Stammesoberhäupter des Nordens und der Herrschenden Truchsesse von Gondor, wobei auch Dialekt- und Mischformen vorkommen.
  • thumb|198px|PismoSindarin – jeden z elfickich języków, najczęściej używany w Śródziemiu w Trzeciej Erze. Język ten miał wspólne korzenie z Quenyą. Wywodził się bezpośrenio z telerinu. Początki sindarinu to czas, kiedy pewna część Eldarów nie przeprawiła się przez Morze, a osiadła w Beleriandzie. Język ten szybko się zmieniał, ponieważ kraina, w której nim mówiono, należała do śmiertelnych. Do zapisu pierwotnie używano Cirthu, jednak potem zastąpiono go popularnym Tengwarem.
  • right|thumb|200px|Desenho feito por Tolkien do portal de Moria, com inscrição em Sindarin O sindarin é uma língua artística criada por John Ronald Reuel Tolkien que aparece nas suas histórias sobre o mundo de Arda como a língua élfica mais falada na Terra Média. O sindarin, assim como o quenya, foi desenvolvida o suficiente para que se possa escrever longos textos. A escrita do sindarin emprega normalmente o alfabeto tengwar, embora também se possam usar as runas cirth. O nome sindarin é, na realidade, um dativo quenya, que significa "aos Sindar". O nome nativo do idioma seria edhellen.
  • Sindarin was the Elvish language most commonly spoken in Middle-earth during in the Third Age - in our world, it is universally referred to as, when not in canonical context, "Elven". It was the language of the Sindar, those Teleri who chose to stay behind on the Great Journey of the Elves. It was derived from an earlier language called Common Telerin. When the Ñoldor came back to Middle-earth, they adopted the Sindarin language, for the Sindar were more numerous and slower to learn the language of Valinor, Quenya the Noldor's native language. Later events lead to the banning of the use of Quenya within and around Beleriand leading to it's eventual use as a high language of law. Before the downfall, most of the Men of Númenor also spoke the language. Knowledge of it was kept in the Númenor
  • Il Sindarin, conosciuto anche anche grigio elfico, è una delle principali lingue parlate nella Terra di Mezzo. Derivata dal Quendi era assai diffusa tra gli Elfi rimasti nella Terra di Mezzo tanto da assurgere praticamente a lingua franca tra le varie razze del Beleriand durante la Prima Era. Era anche parlata correntemente dai Dúnedain di Númenor prima che prendessero piede gli Uomini del Re, e gli Elendili ne fecero la lingua ufficiale dei regni di Gondor e Arnor accanto all'Ovestron. inventate da John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, parlata dagli Elfi del Beleriand e derivata dall'idioma primordiale ideato sulle sponde del lago di Cuiviénen.
altri nomi
  • Grigio Elfico
  • Lingua Elfica
  • Lingue dei Quendi
  • Alcuni milioni
  • Alfabeto Tengwar
  • Alfabeto Runico Cirth
  • Tengwar_sindarin.png
  • Doriathrin, Sindarin di Lothlorien, Sindarin di Gondor
  • Sindarin is an artificial language (or conlang) developed by J. R. R. Tolkien. In Tolkien's mythos, it was the Elvish language most commonly spoken in Middle-earth in the Third Age. It was the language of the Sindar, those Teleri which had been left behind on the Great Journey of the Elves. It was derived from an earlier language called Common Telerin. When the Ñoldor came back to Middle-earth, they adopted the Sindarin language, although they believed their native Quenya more beautiful. Before the downfall, most of the Men of Númenor also spoke the language. Knowledge of it was kept in the Númenórean realm in exile Gondor, especially amongst the learned. Sindarin is the language referred to as the Elven-tongue in The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien originally imagined that the language which would become Sindarin was spoken by the Ñoldor (second clan of Elves). However, Tolkien later decided that it was the language of the Sindar. For this reason it is called Noldorin in the older material, such as the Etymologies. When Noldorin became Sindarin, it also adopted some features of the originally unrelated language Ilkorin. Tolkien based the sound and some of the grammar of his Noldorin/Sindarin on Welsh, and Sindarin displays of the consonant mutations that characterise the Celtic (especially Brythonic) languages. The language was also probably influenced to an extent by the Germanic languages, as Tolkien was a scholar of both Old English and Old Norse. The written script alphabet of the Elven languages is typically Tengwar, although Cirth can also be used.
  • Il Sindarin, conosciuto anche anche grigio elfico, è una delle principali lingue parlate nella Terra di Mezzo. Derivata dal Quendi era assai diffusa tra gli Elfi rimasti nella Terra di Mezzo tanto da assurgere praticamente a lingua franca tra le varie razze del Beleriand durante la Prima Era. Era anche parlata correntemente dai Dúnedain di Númenor prima che prendessero piede gli Uomini del Re, e gli Elendili ne fecero la lingua ufficiale dei regni di Gondor e Arnor accanto all'Ovestron. inventate da John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, parlata dagli Elfi del Beleriand e derivata dall'idioma primordiale ideato sulle sponde del lago di Cuiviénen. Estratto: L'Ave Maria: Suilanno Maria, pant o meleth i Chîr na le, edh maebennen min bessath a maebennen i ion e-daew dhîn: Iesus. Aer Maria, naneth Eru eglerio ammen úgerthonath si a ned lû en-gurth vín. Thenid
  • right|thumb|200px|Desenho feito por Tolkien do portal de Moria, com inscrição em Sindarin O sindarin é uma língua artística criada por John Ronald Reuel Tolkien que aparece nas suas histórias sobre o mundo de Arda como a língua élfica mais falada na Terra Média. O sindarin, assim como o quenya, foi desenvolvida o suficiente para que se possa escrever longos textos. A escrita do sindarin emprega normalmente o alfabeto tengwar, embora também se possam usar as runas cirth. O nome sindarin é, na realidade, um dativo quenya, que significa "aos Sindar". O nome nativo do idioma seria edhellen. Em textos anteriores a O Senhor dos Anéis, como As Etimologias, Tolkien imaginou a língua que se converteria em sindarin como tendo sido originalmente falada pelos Noldor, o segundo clã dos elfos, com o nome de noldorin. Tolkien acabou por decidir, porém, que essa fosse a língua dos Sindar, o terceiro clã dos elfos Teleri, que decidiram ficar para trás durante a Grande Marcha dos elfos, razão pela qual o sindarin descendia da língua telerin comum.
  • thumb|Sindarin Sindarin oder Grauelbisch war die Elbensprache von Beleriand und später die Hauptsprache der Elben in Mittelerde. Sindarin entwickelte sich nachdem der Rest der Eldar nach Eldamar gezogen waren. Wegen der Veränderlichkeit der sterblichen Lande veränderte es sich rascher als Quenya. Weniger offen als Quenya war das Sindarin eine weiche und wohlklingende Sprache. Für den täglichen Gebrauch wurde es von den Noldor in Beleriand übernommen, insbesondere nachdem Thingol den Sindar den Gebrauch von Quenya als der Sprache der Sippenmörder verboten hatte. Sindarin wurde auch von den Edain gelernt, besonders im Dritten Haus und unter den Dúnedain wurde es fast so etwas wie eine zweite Muttersprache. Als Númenor unter den Schatten fiel, wurde sein Gebrauch verboten, doch die Sprache überlebte und viele Worte gingen daraus in die Gemeinsame Sprache ein. Der auffälligste Unterschied zwischen Sindarin und Quenya ist die Beibehaltung des ursprünglichen elbischen th im Sindarin (im Quenya wurde es zum "s" z.B. Qu. Isil, S. Ithil für Mond) und sein Gebrauch von stimmhaften Verschlußlauten am Wortanfang und nach Vokalen. Das ist zum Teil auf eine unterschiedliche Entwicklung von Konsonantengruppen zurückzuführen. Das ursprüngliche "mb", "nd" und "ng" wurde im Quenya im Wortanlaut zu "m" bzw. "n", in Sindarin zu "b", "d" und "g" ("mbar" = Heim wird zu Qu. "mar", S. "bar"). Pluraformen werden nicht mehr durch Endungen, sondern durch Vokaländerungen (Ablaut) gebildet und unter bestimmten syntaktischen oder phonologischen Bedingungen wird der Anfangslaut eines Wortes abgeschwächt (Lenierung oder Mutation). Zwischen dem Ersten und Zweiten Zeitalter erfuhr das Sindarin weitere Lautänderungen; z. B. die Reduzierung des zwischenvokalischen "ch" zu "h" und des auslautenden "nd" zu "nn". Beispiele für Sindarin sind das Gedicht A Elbereth Gilthoniel, die meisten Ortsnamen in Beleriand, die Namen der Könige von Arthedain und der Stammesoberhäupter des Nordens und der Herrschenden Truchsesse von Gondor, wobei auch Dialekt- und Mischformen vorkommen.
  • Sindarin was the Elvish language most commonly spoken in Middle-earth during in the Third Age - in our world, it is universally referred to as, when not in canonical context, "Elven". It was the language of the Sindar, those Teleri who chose to stay behind on the Great Journey of the Elves. It was derived from an earlier language called Common Telerin. When the Ñoldor came back to Middle-earth, they adopted the Sindarin language, for the Sindar were more numerous and slower to learn the language of Valinor, Quenya the Noldor's native language. Later events lead to the banning of the use of Quenya within and around Beleriand leading to it's eventual use as a high language of law. Before the downfall, most of the Men of Númenor also spoke the language. Knowledge of it was kept in the Númenorean realm in exile Gondor, especially among the learned. Sindarin is the language referred to as the Elven-tongue in The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien originally imagined that the language which would become Sindarin was spoken by the Ñoldor (second clan of Elves). However he later decided that it was the language of the Sindar. For this reason it is called Noldorin in the older material, such as the Etymologies. When Noldorin became Sindarin, it also adopted some features of the originally unrelated language Ilkorin. Tolkien based the sound and some of the grammar of his Noldorin/Sindarin on Welsh, and Sindarin displays of the consonant mutations that characterise the Celtic (especially Brythonic) languages. The language was also probably influenced to an extent by the Germanic languages, as Tolkien was a scholar of both Old English and Old Norse. The written script alphabet of the Elven languages is typically Tengwar (the Feanorian Characters), although Cirth can also be used.
  • thumb|198px|PismoSindarin – jeden z elfickich języków, najczęściej używany w Śródziemiu w Trzeciej Erze. Język ten miał wspólne korzenie z Quenyą. Wywodził się bezpośrenio z telerinu. Początki sindarinu to czas, kiedy pewna część Eldarów nie przeprawiła się przez Morze, a osiadła w Beleriandzie. Język ten szybko się zmieniał, ponieważ kraina, w której nim mówiono, należała do śmiertelnych. Język ten upowszechnił się wraz z zakazem używania quenyi w Doriath, oraz częstym przepływem Sindarów do innych plemion. Powstały formy i dialekty sindarinu jak: sindarin Ñoldorów od 1497 PE i sindarin Dúnedainów od 422 PE. Po upadku Beleriandu dialekty zmieszały się, na skutek przepływu całych grup i język ten począł się na nowo dzielić na dialekty w różnych częściach Śródziemia. Pozostał językiem elfów do końca ich pobytu. W obszarach leśnych miał wpływy nandorinu, w obszarach miejskich był wypierany przez Westron. * Dialekty sindarinu * Falathrin, (dialekt z Falas, wymarły) * Sindarin Północny (dialekt z Dorthonion, Hithlum, wymarły) * Sindarin Ujścia Sirionu (zmieszany z innymi, wymarły) * Sindarin z Gondoru (rozwój sindarinu po dalszym zmieszaniu) Do zapisu pierwotnie używano Cirthu, jednak potem zastąpiono go popularnym Tengwarem.
  • Sindarin or Grey Elven was originally an elvish dialect that arose in Beleriand among the grey Elves of the first Age from their own local Telerin dialect.Later it became the common lingua franca among the elves and was even preserved among the Dúnadan Nobility as language of etiquette.
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