| - Aileen was a customer in The Kabin who went to the local school but who, with her friend tagging along, preferred to go outside at dinnertimes as the school dinners were awful and they had no chance of meeting anyone when behind the gates. Rita Fairclough asked who they expected to meet on the streets of Weatherfield - Kojak? The chirpy girl replied that they wouldn't look twice at him and left.
- Aileen is one of the inhabitants of Broken Hills in 2241.
- Aileen is the partner of Estevan. She first appears in Uchuu Keiji Sharivan NEXT GENERATION.
- Aileen is a woman that got married at Shotgun Pete's 24 Hour Wedding Chapel, to Cletus.
- Aileen is the naviganional A.I. of the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren, Team Dai-Gurren's ship and the base of operations of the Department of Hotness. She appears in Hottie 3: The Best Fan Fic in the World.
- Aileen is a woman that Robert was dating at the time Debra took her kids to visit her parents in Connecticut and left Ray home by himself. Robert and Aileen's romantic evening was interrupted when Ray showed up at Robert's apartment because he was scared to be alone at night.
- Aileen was one of the Sisters of Synnoria, warriors of the Llewyrr.
- Full Name: Aileen Walker Nickname(s): Al, Gender: Female Birthdate: April 25th, 1994 (Age 16) Resides in: Kirksville Occupation: Witch, Student, Singer (In Season 2) School: Kirksville High School Parents: Olivia Walker (Mother:Deceased), Francis Walker (Father) Siblings: Tiffany (Younger Sister), Rebecca (Younger Sister), Danny (Younger Brother) Romances: Justin (Crush) Others: Isla (Best Friend), Christie (Best Friend), Stephanie (Best Friend), Ursula (Best Friend), Justin Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Brown Height: TBA Power: Nature Seasons: 1-5 First Appearance: It Begins' Voice By: Isabelle Fuhrman
- Aileen was an NPC noble who appeared in Lord British's castle in Britain, during the Inu the Crone events (the prologue to the Warriors of Destiny event cycle). She at first was portrayed as haughty and arrogant, disliking her new life at the castle and thinking of herself as above the Player Characters who came to see her, as well as the other NPCs at the castle. Following the Royal Council Massacre, Aileen and Sherry both disappeared. Sherry has since been seen, as of early 2009, but Aileen has not.