| - The Mainland is a continent much larger than the land on which the Claymores live. According to Rubel it is locked in war between two alliances of nations, the Dragon's Kin, and the patrons of the Organization. It is also the likely origin place of the metal used in the manufacturing of Claymores' signature swords.
- The largest masses of non-island linked simulators in the Second Life grid that refer to Linden-designed continents. Contempory usage includes referring to any non-private sim as Mainland. The mainland of Second Life is made up of several separate continents and island groups.
- The Mainland or "Earth" is home to clumsies (Humans). It is where the fairies go to change the seasons.
- Mainland is an island of Georgeland, with a land area of 754, 217 sq. km, making it about the size of Chile. From 1891 to 2000, Mainland was a state of Georgeland. On July 1, 2000, the state was split into two different states, East Mainland, with its capital at Doubledance, and West Mainland, retaining Santa Christina as its capital. When the subdivision occurred, the state's Governor, Charlotte Lang became Governor of East Mainland, and the state's Chief Minister, Tom Southwell, became Chief Minister of West Mainland, with his deputy, Robin Sales, taking over in the East.
- The mainland of Cow RP is the continent every player starts on during Kingdom and Peasant mode. There are various islands surrounding it, and it changes depending on the mode: in Kingdom mode it contains the kingdom of Bovinia, in peasant mode there are no pre-built structures, and is replaced by the sea dotted with land in Islands mode. In the first two modes the mainland has a lake and ponds near the spawn point, and beaches on every coast. It consists of trees, plants and animals and is one of the biggest islands currently.
- Name: Mainland Run Time: 3:30 Year: 1998
- There are four known divisions of the Mainland, each with a different ruling monarch, climate, theme, and general environment. The Gobbos on the Mainland (and in each village) differ from the ones featured in Croc: Legend of the Gobbos. The Mainland Gobbos do not have tails, or are just concealing them and they also wear outfits similar to their villages' theme. They are larger, and just generally look like a completely different creature.
- The Mainland is the name of the giant landmass located in the the Eastern Barbaric Archipelago. The majority of the Mainland was composed of the Uglithug Territories. Currently, the Mainland is part of the Kingdom of the Wilderwest.
- main + land
- With reference to the Rappelz Map there is the main continent and a small island in the SE. The island is known as Trainee Island (TI) while the main continent is referred to as the mainland.
- めいんらんど と読む。 リンデンラボが統括管理を行っている Estateの名称。 2016年にLindenのゲームを中心としたHorizons大陸が加わり13の大陸となる。 2013年11月時点ではその導入時期から12の大陸 [Binderの唱える説 Blake Seaを新たな大陸と考え、4つのLinden Homesを1つの大陸郡としてカウントする場合)] に分けられている。 1. Sansara - サンサラ大陸 もっとも古い大陸 導入時期によりさらに地域によって11に名称が分かれている。 2. Heterocera Atoll - ヘテロセラ環状大陸 北側に作成された二番目の大陸。大陸を渡る鉄道が敷設されている。 Heterocera=蛾類 Atoll=環状 と言う意味で、蛾類の環状珊瑚礁と言う意味。 蛾を奉った神殿がある。 標高300mを超える山脈群が繋がり、その山脈には風光明媚な景観を製作するクリエイターの作品が多く、山の麓には、SL鉄道と、公道が敷設されREZZゾーンも多く配置されている。 Heterocera Atoll大陸の詳細 3. Jeogeot - チョゴ大陸 正式には名称未定 - Sansaraの東、少し離れた位置に作成された大陸。 5. Nautilus - ノーチラス大陸 6. Corsica - コルシカ大陸 7. Gaeta Ⅴ - ガエタ ファイブ大陸