| - Iblis (イブリース, Iburiisu) is a demon in the series.
- At some point in Mobius' future, Super Sonic became an even more uncontrollable entity and much more powerful then ever before. He was either separate from Sonic the Hedgehog once again or was completely consumed by the Chaos Energy within him. For years, Super, now known to the world as "Iblis", terrorized the entire planet and destroyed many habitats. One of his last known acts was to attack the Emerald Hill Zone, sensing the presence of the last remaining Chaos Emeralds. In his haste, he killed many of G.U.N.'s soldiers and even obliterated an aged Knuckles the Echidna. G.U.N. agent Silver used Dr. Gerald's time machine to visit the past and stop the "Iblis" monster ever coming to be.
- Iblis, in Islamic tradition is the chief of the fallen angels, consigned to perdition for refusing to worship Adam at the command of his Creator, and who gratified his revenge by seducing Adam and Eve from innocence.
- Iblis is the god of Chaos and Madness.
- Iblis is a non-canonical Angel from a card-based roleplaying game.
- Iblis is a a member of the Order of Mata-Nui in the BIONICLE: Ignition universe, and a member of the Brotherhood of Makuta in the BIONICLE: Ignition Reverse universe created by Kanohi Essex.
- Iblis is an Orbital Frame piloted by Ares Enduwa in Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars.
- Iblis är en Goa'uld. Iblis var fast på planeten Kumara. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: The Power Behind the Throne")kategori:Goa'uld
- Iblis (イブリース Iburīsu) is one of the eight demon kings. He is the king of fire and has yet to make an appearance in the series. He has shown affiliation with Demons such as Peg Lanterns and Salamanders.
- rs the official title of "Goddess of Apathy and Neutrality" represents Intellect and Imagination and is most commonly associated with Saint Morning and Garden of Rhisis. She did nothing about Heroes in the Hero and/or Clockworks wars except watch and do nothing. Iblis herself does not exist ingame, but models, textures and animations exist for her, so GMs can choose to appear as her if they want to.
- Iblis Was A Final Villain As He Appeared in Kingdom Hearts 3: The Return of the Chasers. Where Heroes Was Persuades itselves and Used Flames On Oblivion. He Combined two Forms Of Firebird, and Chernabog.
- thumb|312x312px|Apariencia de un demonio Iblis. Los demonios Iblis son una especie de demonios que están formados por un humo negro que gira, vagamente creando la forma y tamaño de una figura humana. Dentro de este humo se encuentran flotando dos ardientes ojos amarillos. Los demonios Iblis tienden a atacar en grupo y rodear a su presa, a pesar de que no son muy inteligentes.
- Iblis (イブリース Iburīsu) es uno de los villanos principales en el juego Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). Es el principal enemigo de Silver the Hedgehog en su futuro. El representa la fuerza bruta de Solaris, el gran Dios del Sol. Mayormente se le conoce como Las Llamas del Desastre (炎の災厄 Honoo no Saiyaku?). Iblis nació durante el Proyecto Solaris cuando los experimentos de Solaris, hicieron que este se dividiera en dos mitades: Iblis y Mephiles, siendo Iblis la mitad de la fuerza bruta y Mephiles la mitad de la inteligencia de Solaris.
- Iblis was a 23rd century Lyran individual, an officer in the Lyran Empire's military. Iblis's specialty was as a starship captain. (TOS video game: Starfleet Command) No history or fate is established for this character as its name was randomly selected for a captain by the game software.
- "Iblis" was a Dalkian soldier. He fought under Roin's command during Chronicle 5 (Bridge to Hatred) of "Chronicles of the Sword". he also appears in Soulcalibur IV under Tower of Lost Souls both ascend & descend modes but under ascend he appears under the floor "Time To Trifle" where he uses Yoshimitsu's weapon and he is teamed up with Abigail
- Hier könnt ihre eure Versionen von Iblis vorstellen thumb Kategorie:Canon-Chara Kategorie:Schurken Kategorie:Monster Kategorie:Tote
- Iblis is an ancient Marid Djinn of immense power. He is the nemesis of Allah.
- Iblis will be found in Telepath Psy Arena 2 and Telepath RPG: Servants of God.
- Iblis ( イブリース Iburīsu) , auch bekannt als Flames of Disaster ( 炎の災厄 Honoo no Saiyaku) ist die unkontrollierte Kraft von Solaris und der Haupterzfeind im Spiel Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) von Silver. Er ist die rohe Kraft des Sonnengottes Solaris und ein unsterbliches Monster, welches somit auch nicht ohne Grund den Namen "The Flames of Disaster" trägt.
- Iblis are demons formed out of roiling black smoke, with vaguely the same shape and size of a human figure. In the midst of the vapor is a pair of burning yellow eyes. Iblis demons tend to attack in groups and surround their prey, though they are not very bright.
- King Ibliss is an immortal djinn ruler of the Volca realm, he is aligned with Chaos. His wife is Queen Malikel.
- I have always been looking for something to be afraid of, but every time I find something, I face it. I am writing this now because, I know this creature will come after me and you too. I need to warn people about this psychopathic creature. It stalks me in the middle of the night. Sometimes, it evens likes to claw at my skin and make me bleed streams of blood. If I open my eyes, it screams. Its scream is so loud, it hurts your head, but after it screams, it runs away into the dark night. Your time has come. Prepare for consequences for your actions. FROM, YOU'LL FIND OUT"
- Iblis is a devotee who is especially cherished by Thanatos above all others. He calls her his 'beloved Iblis', and created weaponry that could make even other deities cower in fear based on her namesake before he fell under darkness, though it is not known if she has ever used them. She tried to stop him once she got sense of his evil ambitions, but he managed to bring her under his control.
- Iblis was a spirit born during an experiment when Solaris, the god of sun, fire, time and light, was split into two halves: Mephiles, who consisted of power and intelligence, and Iblis, who consisted of Solaris's fiery power and destructive nature. The Duke of Soleanna, who had been experimenting with Solaris, along with his researchers, had no other option but to use the power of a Chaos Emerald to seal the energy within his daughter, Princess Elise, dying in the process himself. It would remain that way until Elise gave into despair, trapping her in a life of feigned optimism. Mephiles, who was trapped within a device called the Scepter of Darkness by Shadow the Hedgehog, was released years later and created a plan that spanned over two hundred years, which resulted in the release of Ibl
- Iblis (イブリース Iburīsu?), znany również jako Płomienie Kataklizmu (ang.Flames of Disaster) (炎の災厄 Honoo no Saiyaku?) – jeden z głównych antagonistów w grze Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). Reprezentuje siłę boga słońca - Solarisa. Podczas eksperymentów prowadzonych w Soleannie Solaris rozdzielił się na Iblisa i Mephilesa. Iblis został złapany i uwięziony w ciele Księżniczki Elise na kolejne 10 lat.