The swoop accelerator is a part needed for a Swoop bike. The Jedi Exile needed to get one in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.
The swoop accelerator is a part needed for a Swoop bike. The Jedi Exile needed to get one in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.
The swoop accelerator was a part needed for a Swoop bike. The Jedi Exile needed to get one in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.
The swoop accelerator is a part needed for a Swoop bike. The Jedi Exile needed to get one in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.
The swoop accelerator was a part needed for a Swoop bike. The Jedi Exile needed to get one in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.