| - [[Summary::Noo are one, and there is only one Noo. Noo are hivemind, and stem from the planet Noosphere, where Noo waits.]] Upon this unlikely world, a sentient half fungus half animal based ooze spread across its surface. Rather than split, it grew until it covered the entire planet in its bulk. Aware, alive, it found itself unable to grow any farther. The surface was dominated, it had seeped through the cracks, but found itself alone in the universe. And so, the being of Noo bud and sent its buds into the depths of outer space in the rare hope that the hibernating ooze fragments would land on other worlds, prosper, and grow over their entirety. And they have.
| - [[Summary::Noo are one, and there is only one Noo. Noo are hivemind, and stem from the planet Noosphere, where Noo waits.]] Upon this unlikely world, a sentient half fungus half animal based ooze spread across its surface. Rather than split, it grew until it covered the entire planet in its bulk. Aware, alive, it found itself unable to grow any farther. The surface was dominated, it had seeped through the cracks, but found itself alone in the universe. And so, the being of Noo bud and sent its buds into the depths of outer space in the rare hope that the hibernating ooze fragments would land on other worlds, prosper, and grow over their entirety. And they have. Noo's buds, the Noo race, may seem like individuals at first. In a sense they are, they are self-thinking extensions of what Noo is, a mere fragment of the whole. But they are also connected to Noo by psychic, spiritual links which transend all borders. When two Noo meet, they do not see themselves as two people, but as two personalities, two moods, of the single whole.