Earth-80676, or the Marvel Cineanimated Universe is an movie series created by Billy2009 which is an hardly altered version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is a pseudo-combination of the Mainstream Marvel Universe, the Ultimate Marvel Universe, the Sam Raimi's Spider-Man film series, the X-Men Cinematic Universe, the Disney XD Marvel Universe block, the Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes series, the X-Men: Evolution series, The Amazing Spider-Man film series, and the Wolverine and the X-Men/The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes series.
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| - Marvel Cineanimated Universe
| - Earth-80676, or the Marvel Cineanimated Universe is an movie series created by Billy2009 which is an hardly altered version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is a pseudo-combination of the Mainstream Marvel Universe, the Ultimate Marvel Universe, the Sam Raimi's Spider-Man film series, the X-Men Cinematic Universe, the Disney XD Marvel Universe block, the Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes series, the X-Men: Evolution series, The Amazing Spider-Man film series, and the Wolverine and the X-Men/The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes series.
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| - Earth-80676, or the Marvel Cineanimated Universe is an movie series created by Billy2009 which is an hardly altered version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is a pseudo-combination of the Mainstream Marvel Universe, the Ultimate Marvel Universe, the Sam Raimi's Spider-Man film series, the X-Men Cinematic Universe, the Disney XD Marvel Universe block, the Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes series, the X-Men: Evolution series, The Amazing Spider-Man film series, and the Wolverine and the X-Men/The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes series.