| - The Second World War, often called World War II and abbreviated to WWII, was a world spanning military conflict between the forces of the Allied Powers, led by the US, Great Britain and France along with China and the Axis Powers, led by Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan. It was single-handedly the worst war to have ever occurred in Human history, with at least 250 million men and women called to fight and over 125 million casualties. This included the Jews, Poles and Slavs in Nazi Germany and the Chinese, Americans and Filipinos in Imperial Japan.
| - The Second World War, often called World War II and abbreviated to WWII, was a world spanning military conflict between the forces of the Allied Powers, led by the US, Great Britain and France along with China and the Axis Powers, led by Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan. It was single-handedly the worst war to have ever occurred in Human history, with at least 250 million men and women called to fight and over 125 million casualties. This included the Jews, Poles and Slavs in Nazi Germany and the Chinese, Americans and Filipinos in Imperial Japan. At the end of the war, a good deal of Europe and Asia had been left in ruin. Nazi Germany had ensured a government change and became ruled by a junta of Generals who gave up power to a transitional government once Germany's future was secured. In the Zurich Conference in 1947, a United Nations committee was formed, with one goal, to prevent such a catastrophic was from ever happening and replacing the useless League of Nations. Other changes could also be noted; China, America and the Soviet Union established themselves as superpowers alongside with the British, while the British themselves entered decline. These nationals soon went on to establish their alliance blocs. China (along with India) established PITO. The United States and Germany established NATO, while the Soviets established the Warsaw Pact.