Unknown to the humans of Earth, there is a branch of humanity called Element Angels, who reside in Element World. They are divided in three tribes, the Skyicks, who are optimistic, outgoing and bubbly; the Landicks who are strong and tough; and the Seaicks, who are calm and logical. All tribes of Element Angels share a mission: to protect the Earth. Seven of them were training in our world when the passage between it and Element World was destroyed by evil alien invaders. Now, they are stuck in our world and are its only hope against the Aliens, but, as they're young, they have not too much experience. Can they save the world?
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| - Power Rangers Element Angels
| - Unknown to the humans of Earth, there is a branch of humanity called Element Angels, who reside in Element World. They are divided in three tribes, the Skyicks, who are optimistic, outgoing and bubbly; the Landicks who are strong and tough; and the Seaicks, who are calm and logical. All tribes of Element Angels share a mission: to protect the Earth. Seven of them were training in our world when the passage between it and Element World was destroyed by evil alien invaders. Now, they are stuck in our world and are its only hope against the Aliens, but, as they're young, they have not too much experience. Can they save the world?
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| - Unknown to the humans of Earth, there is a branch of humanity called Element Angels, who reside in Element World. They are divided in three tribes, the Skyicks, who are optimistic, outgoing and bubbly; the Landicks who are strong and tough; and the Seaicks, who are calm and logical. All tribes of Element Angels share a mission: to protect the Earth. Seven of them were training in our world when the passage between it and Element World was destroyed by evil alien invaders. Now, they are stuck in our world and are its only hope against the Aliens, but, as they're young, they have not too much experience. Can they save the world?