| - The Electron-class Gunpool Mark II is classified as a gunpool: halfway in between a , such as the Assault Gunboat, and a , such as the Corellian Gunship. It is pod-shaped, sixty-five meters long and with a small diameter. Scattered around the ship are point defense laser cannons, 12 in total. They are fast-firing, and light, so the turrets don't need such heavy actuators to be fast enough to track fighters; this is good for a ship as small as the Electron. The vessel carries no fighters, troops, or support craft. Its light weight keeps manuverability up.
| - The Electron-class Gunpool Mark II is classified as a gunpool: halfway in between a , such as the Assault Gunboat, and a , such as the Corellian Gunship. It is pod-shaped, sixty-five meters long and with a small diameter. Near the front, but not quite at it, it has three stubby wings, one facing up (zero degrees), one at 120 degrees, and one at 240 degrees, each with a pod at the end. Each pod contains an engine. On the outmost part of the 120 and 240 degree pods, on a small pedestal, is a turbolaser cannon; on the top pod, also on a small pedestal, is an ion cannon. In the front of the ship is a general purpose warhead launcher. Scattered around the ship are point defense laser cannons, 12 in total. They are fast-firing, and light, so the turrets don't need such heavy actuators to be fast enough to track fighters; this is good for a ship as small as the Electron. The vessel carries no fighters, troops, or support craft. Its light weight keeps manuverability up. There is much miniaturization involved in the ship, which increases its price; fortunately, the small size of the vessel drives the price back down.