| - The Ark of the Covenant was a chest that the Hebrews carried the actual Ten Commandments in. It was put in the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem at about 1000 B.C. It stayed there for many years before being found. It is featured in Indiana Jones sets. The object contains many gold pieces and is made up of 17 parts. It also featured in the set 7622 Race For The Stolen Treasure. The ark in this set was innacurate, it was an undetailed gold treasure chest with green, white, red and blue jewels inside. There is also a similar inaccurate ark in 7683 Fight on the Flying Wing.
- It was owned by a group of people (heavily implied to be the Israelites), who had helped Xena when she was wounded in battle once. When a thief, Malthus, stole it from them in order to put it up for auction, Xena enlisted the help of Autolycus, who posed as the deadly Sinteres, to retrieve it. They eventually succeeded, overcoming the power of the Ark itself when the weapon was released by Arkel, a buyer in the auction.
- The Ark of the Covenant was a Hand of God, an item touched by God and containing a portion of his power.
- The Ark of the Covenant is an artifact in The Library.
- The Ark of the Covenant was ordered to be crafted by God, while Moses was receiving instructions on specifications for the Tabernacle's furniture . God appointed craftsman, Bezalel and Oholiab, specifically to create the furnishings as instructed .
- The Ark of the Covenant is an important item in Jewish and Christian tradition. In the Bible, the Hebrews placed the Ten Commandments in it. Benjamin Sisko had seen holos of the Ark and was reminded of it when he saw an Orb ark for the first time in 2369. (DS9 novelization: Emissary)
- Soon after the Jews returned to the promised land, the Ark was placed in the Temple of Solomon. There it stayed untill the Babylonians later attacked Jerusalem, stole its treasures and exiled the people to Babylonia. However the Babylonians did not take the Ark, it had vanished. Some say that priests had taken the Ark and hidden it in Ethiopia. The Ark may have been hidden under the Temple Mount in one of the many tunnels and caves, although no one is sure what happened to the Ark.
- The Ark of the Covenant or The Ark is a biblical artifact. According to the Bible, the Ark was a wooden chest used by the ancient Hebrews to carry the Ten Commandments. Lara Croft holds it in her manor, next to the front door.
- The Ark of the Covenant plays a key role in the first Indiana Jones film Raiders of the Lost Ark. It appears on the wall as a carving in the underground Venice sewer in the Last Crusade It appears in the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull when it's crate is smashed open in Hangar 51.
- Website: <a href="http://arkmud.org">http://arkmud.org</a> Telnet: arkmud.org 4200 Current Staff: Athos, Banquo, Dralax, Elena, Intense, Izri, Jazmine, Kadir, Kal, Kyreth, Lucas, Redfieldt, Seth. Ark of the Covenant (AotC) is a Christian-Principled MUD that was founded to be a haven for all believers in the mudding population, as well as an outreach to the mudding population that desires a friendly and peaceful gaming environment. Expect hours of fun as you explore the vast realm of 'Erets with numerous extra features to maximize your mudding experience. Friendly and helpful staff and players are open to help out with any questions you might have.'
- The Ark of the Covenant or The Ark is a biblical artifact. According to the Bible, the Ark was a wooden chest used by the ancient Hebrews to carry the Ten Commandments.
- The Ark of the Covenant is a moderate sized piece of Acacia wood furniture, referred to in the Bible. It's basically a large, ornate storage box which employed the use of two poles in order to carry it - allowing the Israelites to haul Moses, Aaron and God's stuff around. Chariots had been invented by 3000 BC, so the lack of a couple of wheels in the design suggests it contained a mystical force-field capable of defying gravity and being used as a secret weapon. After leaving Egypt pursued by Pharaoh's bill collectors, the Israelites may have had some sort of encounter with aliens, sub-edited out of the Bible, or detoured via Atlantis - see paperbacks in any bookstall with a Legends and Mysteries section. But the official version is the Ark's construction was commissioned by God and the wi
- The ark of the covenant was an Old Testament symbol of God’s presence with His people. It has also been called the ark of the Lord and the ark of the testimony. A covenant is a two-way promise with God, and an ark is the “container” of that promise. The children of Israel were delivered out of bondage, and they were to always remember and reverence God who had miraculously delivered them. The ark of the covenant was a physical reminder of their deliverance and continued blessings.