| - The clerics at Boreth, seeing the decay in Klingon society, decided to recreate a clone of Kahless, using genetic material that had been preserved over the centuries. They programmed this clone with memories from the original Kahless, and had him appear to Lieutenant Worf, who was attending a retreat on Boreth. Later, the deception was discovered. However, Worf felt that the clone had an important role to play in rebuilding Klingon society, and proposed naming the clone as Emperor. (TNG episode: "Rightful Heir")
| - The clerics at Boreth, seeing the decay in Klingon society, decided to recreate a clone of Kahless, using genetic material that had been preserved over the centuries. They programmed this clone with memories from the original Kahless, and had him appear to Lieutenant Worf, who was attending a retreat on Boreth. Later, the deception was discovered. However, Worf felt that the clone had an important role to play in rebuilding Klingon society, and proposed naming the clone as Emperor. (TNG episode: "Rightful Heir") Following the destruction of the USS Enterprise-D, Lieutenant Commander Worf returned to Boreth for an extended period. (DS9 episode: "The Way of the Warrior") In 2375, Boreth was the site of a battle between forces loyal to Chancellor Martok and those loyal to Gothmara. Martok confronted and killed Gothmara in the monastery. (DS9 - The Left Hand of Destiny novel: Book Two) After Kahless disappeared and was replaced by a holographic representation, the Monastery was contacted to determine if he had returned there. Kahless had not been seen by the staff, who revealed that all records of Kahless's cloning had been destroyed in the assault four years earlier and no backups had been made. (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)