| - Corporal Cosine, wakes up from suspended animation to find himself alone, in a dark glass proof pipe, with no memory of who he is, or what happened to his escort ship, for a little while. Suddenly, finally takes a powerfull sourfull Warhead candy he bought from the pharmacy store , places it right into his mouth, smashing, and screaming his head off on the glass proof, while his memory starts finally jogging in. Glass doors, suddenly, open while he steps drunkenly out, clothes ripped to shreds, and walking, naked. An eerie presents is in the dark room, Zap!, lights go out. Cosine, finally, finds, picks up, and bends a glowstick; he moves around the wide dark room. Cosine looks at a door scanner, and moves his hand around the sensor array. Suddenly, a lock door opens up, giving him clean clothes of the same uniform. Cosine puts them on, amazingly, fits much better, than the rest of the other uniforms. Cosine looks all over the chamber, until, he sees a new fleshed body inside another glass tube, with a GPDS uniform of a Commissioned Officer. Cosine walks to the locked hatches at the end of a wall, and tries to open up while grabbing a gruesome bloody lever, but tires himself, after bending the lever between the hatches, while making cramps all over his body. He proceeds to the glass tube banging on the glass proof. “Lieutenant!! OPEN UP, gosh darnit, LIEUTENANT, wake the freak UP!!” Cosine starts banging the glass proof with the bloody lever over and over again, until it seems he is patting the on the glass proof with the bloody lever, while crying. After....a good while of weeping his wailing head off. Cosine walks around the dark room and faces a mirror while shaving with a holoshaver, while it is shaving every single tiny strand of hair off and disentegrated. Cosine stares at the mirror; unknowingly, while shaving he saw what appeared to be a dark mist stranger making a gruesome bloody grin and terrifiying wide-opening eyes. Cosine nervously, shaking in shock, and checks the other side, the stranger had disappeared. Suddenly, the room in the ship starts to quake, lights, and Navcoms start to flicker and Cosine covers underneath the Navcom desk murmering with his lightstick. After it began, the quake stops, and lights are completely out. Cosine finally becomes cold. ..............All is still.........emptiness ....he opens his eyes......dark eeriness surrounds the room. “Swoooooooooooooooooooooos”,The auto glass doors open, dropping out the flesh body of 1st Lieutenant Einhorn from the glass pipes. Cosine, shocked, with the chest pains, walks slowly, and proceeds to wake up Lieutenant Einhorn who is also suffering from a little amnesia. “Excuse...” “AAAAaa!!!” shouts Lieutenant Einhorn after being touched, “ Ahhhha, hhhha..... who-wo-who are you?” “Sir, Corporal Cosine, sir” whispers Cosine while aiming the glowstick toward him. “Cosine?...Cosine?” “You're waking from extended warpsleep..” “Cosine?” “ This is disorientation...” “Could you get that freaking light out of my eyes!” “Pardon me, sir,” says Cosine shifting the glowstick far from him. “OOoooh, goshdarnit man,” continues Lieutenant Einhorn rubbing his head, “Where are we?” “I, assume we are onboard an abandoned ship. Possibly, the-the Prosecutor.” says Cosine nervoulsy. 1st Lieutenant looks over a Platinum symbol seal of the Galactic Republic. “The Prosecutor?......What....... section...... are we in?” Cosine shakes his head nervously, “ I don't know.” “Where's the rest of my crew?......Is it our shift?..... Our rotation to Companion Esk?” “ I believe so.” answers Cosine. “Aren't they supposed to be to be aligned with us by the top coordinates on the star map?” continues Lieutenant Einhorn in a weary voice. “Sir, I believe so, sir.” answers Cosine in a worried way. “Hit the lights Corporal, will you?” says 1st Lieutenant struggling to get up. “Sir, Th-th-there's a problem with the power, sir.”interrupts Cosine while struggling to pick up the gooey 1st Lieutenant. “Who woke... you up?” asks Lieutenant Einhorn. Sir, it, um.. had to have been the flight computer, sir. There's possibly, no one here except us.” “Oh freaking gosh, It's freezing!” whispers Lieutenant Einhorn while breathing big breaths of piled air clouds in the dark quiet room. After exploring the dark and eerie room. They open a locked hatch by a nearby wall using the motion sensors to open the hatch showing food and water inside, as if it was fresh new. “ Sir,I've been awake for over a half an hour and I still can't remember anything from the incident how I got in hear from the strange fog.” says Cosine while drinking from a mixed fruit bottle. “The last time I crawled out of a hyperbunk......it took me quite a while to get it all back.” Says Einhorn trying to clean up. Corporal Cosine recognizes a GPDS tatoo trademark under the 1st Lieutenant's left arm. “ Sir....What was your-......what was your last flight, sir?” “To be honest, Corporal, my air squadron, was protecting a GPDS secret agent and his pilot, who disappeared under our radar. We were deployed to search the area for a while, finally ending up in one of strangest eerie fogs I have ever seen. From that sector on, I don't what occurred.” “Sir, do you even know notice a plausible explanation to where we're knowngly floating toward? I remember the moon base near Coruscant, the mission, and the destination, but not the flight to into the main sector....” “I figured you'd tell me.” says Lieutenant Einhorn while looking at Cosine, nervously. The both head to the jammed NAVCOM Control hatches. Lieutenant Einhorn hearing strange sounds, while carrying a glowstick informs, “ If this really is the abandoned ghost ship, of what people recognized as the predator of dark space. Then this room should be locked into position.....and behind that hatch should be...... the Command Bridge.” “Sheeshmoneycrabs!” says Cosine, observing a terrifying bloody bitemarked glowstick draining all the juice glow out,“Somebody was trying to get out.” Lieutenant Einhorn walks to the Navcom desk, and utilizes different switches and buttons to check if there was a reusable power wavelength in the massive dark room. “ Lieutenant,” interrupts Cosine giving him a cup of warm cider, while Einhorn blows off the dust still checking if the switches were still in charge. “ Sir, I calculated the portside and starboard side switches around the room, of course, all the activators are not working, yet, sir.” “Yeah, it figures.” Cosine helps Lieutenant Einhorn with the desk switches “Without unified threading we can't connect...” “Hold on here.” interrupts Lieutenant Einhorn while levering and opening an automatic cabinet door. “We can at least get this station NAVCOM to work .” says Lieutenant Einhorn rewinding a rechargable machine operator over and over again. Lights start to flicker on the NAVCOM desk, while an electric current was processed inside the desk. Cosine starts to laugh, “Ahaha, I didn't even notice that!” he pats the Lieutenant on the back, still seeing the Navcom controls loaded with energy with a 3-D holomap of the ship, and a 3-D map of the galaxy, while intel, intercom, and radar worked in progress. They both gave out a grin at each other. “All right. Sheeshmoneycrismas.” responds, Cosine. “Mission to Control, this is Lieutenant Einhorn on the com. Do you copy, over?” asks Lieutenant Einhorn for any signs of satellite waves. “Mission to Control, This is Lieutenant Einhorn of flight team-Shoot. “Five.” whispers Cosine “Oh, may I proceed to observe your glamorous wrist?” Out of the dark, Cosine unzips his left arm zip band, showing his trademark under his left arm under the glowstick showing number 51115. “Mission to Control,” continues Lieutenant Einhorn, “This is Lieutenant Einhorn of flight team 5. Do you copy. Over?....................Control, can you respond, bearing in Alpha Quadrant Sector 2-7-7, Whiskey Sector 9-1-1-9ner, do you copy over? Control, This is Lieutenant Einhorn of flight team 5. Anybody awake up there?! ......Absolutely, Team 4 is supposed to be here for flight rotation. Where the hell could they be?,” asked the nervous Lieutenant Einhorn while he continues taking sips of warm cider, “Maybe they couldn't get to us.” They start hearing cracks and moans from the power circuits and engines of the ship “Where did that shenanigan secret agent Cooper go?” asked Lieutenant Einhorn, feeling more nervous and frustrated. Unable to, either, access the ship's bridge or to communicate with anyone else, Power ciruits start exploding , lights start flashing, objects are being thrown, seats are spinning, hatches all over the ship start opening, and closing on themselves violently. All the lights blow out, eveything stops, finally at once,... in the still ......of the dark. “Sir, Power systems, must be free floating between uncoupled circuits, or something, the override grid won't even lock in, Sir. What do you think, sir?” asks Cosine, becoming too worried. They both freakout hearing a bang from pipes, as it starts an eerie scratching sound. “ Sir, Somebody's up there.” says Cosine, aiming the glowstick toward the ventilation pipe. They walk toward the pipe. “Okay,” applies 1st Lieutenant Einhorn , “Okay, okay, it's possibly the current reaction recycling the air flow ventilation. The system keeps rebooting after each surge. That could be anything. If only...” A Hatch door tries to open. Cosine aims his blastor toward the Hatch as the Hatch groans to open. They walk slowly toward it. Cosine, quickly, opens the hatch, an empty darkness. Cosine shines the glowstick toward the long Passageway. “ Good lord” he responds. Walking slowly outward, Cosine whispers “ It seems very obvious, there's a rewinding reactor on this god forsaken piehole of a shi-” AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! , both Cosine and Onya scream at each other, “HOLD IT!” Cosine yells, “I am ...WARNING YOU, I am.... SERIOUSLY STRESSED OUT RIGHT NOW?!” aiming the blastor at her nose. “Cosine, please!” pleads Onya “Come on.....all of you get yer rainbow butts in here, NOWWWW!!” shouts Cosine after kicking her crew, and Zalt'troc's tushi inside, sealing the Hatch. “Corporal step down it's all right” orders Lieutenant Einhorn. “ Cosine it's okay. We all need to get out of here in someway, but please take a hold of yourself right now. We, can get through this, please trust me. Cosine, please.....please, please,Cosine don't!” shouts Onya with terrifiying tearful eyes. “ I SAID STEP DOWN Corporal!!! That's an ORDER!!!!!....” barks Lieutenant Einhorn. “ Freeeeeeeeeaaaaaak!” shouts the angry, yet stressed Corporal smashing the blastor down on the titanium floor, while looking away from Onya Chuchi with his hands covering the head of his brow. “ Okay, listen we can all slow down, back up, take it one step at a time, all right. Telena please come over, now, please.” says Onya, while telling Telena a young Dubrillion teen girl with autism, but is a great telepathic and a powerful telekinetic user. “Ahaha! She's using children now as bait, Principal X'aq is this justice?” Cosine asking Mr. X'aq sternly. Mr. X'aq hums to himself. “Mr. X'aq...” Cosine stares at him menacingly. “Y-y-y-yes?” asked Mr. X'aq nervously. “ Your words of phrases, please....NOWWWWWWWWWWW!” “ I'll answer the question,” interrupts the firm Chuchi professor, “ Yes, I wanted her, I wanted Telena, she is the only one which could open the portals of this ship, and possibly know why the hauntings occur and destruction on why it's affecting on many places.” “ You did? Oh, that's great! Sheryl go ahead is it not fantasticly fondly?!” says Cosine sarcasticly. “Cosine, you need to calm down,” speaks Sheryl, “the ship will keep feeding off our fear if you only...” “EEEink!” interrupts Cosine going a little out of his sanity “Ding, ding, ding, what do we have hear folks? The correct groovilicious answer, from ssshexy Sheryl, while we could probably head back to Coruscant and win a forever-free automatic vacation to the .........Poopscoop Community Service at the Fantastic Coruscanti Zoo and Gardens! Thank you, my dear friends, now SHOULD WE or SHOULD WE NOT, FOLLOW THE ADVICE, to the Galacticly DIMWITTED!!!” Shouts Cosine, suddenly, kicking a NavScreen Monitor off. “ Cosine!” shouts Lieutenant Einhorn staring at Cosine eye to eyeball. Cosine shakes back to sanity and finally looks all over the NAVCOM CONTROL CENTER, “Oh shoot, oh stinking shoot, what the hell is wrong with me. Good gosh.” Cosine sits down hands over his head. Telena makes a sweet grunt noise coming closer and giving him a Mustafar Warhead candy floating toward his head. Cosine changes to a teary smile, “ Oh dear, these things never go old.” They both hug, and he promises her she will find her way out, while giving the Warhead candy back to her. After a while, they stick glowsticks everywhere in the mysterious, dark, and eerie control center. 1st Lieutenant, is still trying to contact anyone on the NAVCOM DESK. Telena makes a tower of cards without even touching them. Professor Chuchi looks over at a plexi-glass proof box near the wall steps; seven meters away from the NAVCOM DESK, shining the glowstick toward the plexi-glass proof box was a cleaned polished goldstreaked helmet of CC-1999. “ My gosh!” whispers Onya to Mr. X'aq, “ It seems to look as if it was brand new,” The marble slab read, HERE LIES THE HELMET OF THE LEGENDARY COMMANDER CC-1999. Marble slab was Copyrighted GFFA(Galactic Federation of Free Alliances). Sheryl walks in the dark narrow passageway with the Psychology professor, the Coruscanti Precognate, and 1st Lieutenant Einhorn with their glowsticks. Out of the darkness, the Psychology professor finds a clean screw laser drill.. “What the...” “A New Republic Incorporated, 20 ABY” interrupts Lieutenant Einhorn reading the copyright, under his glowstick “ still looks brand new,” then placing the screw laser drill down, “ You've thought after all these eons, she (Prosecutor) would have eat at least eat one halfway decent, worker.” “ Of course, the real question is, ” whispers the Psychology Professor looking through a peepwhole “ how does it go...?” Squeak “ Ughhh!” screams the Psychology Professor as a ten centimeter cockroach creeps out of the peepwhole. “What? What is it?” yelps Sheryl “ I believe it was Zalt'troc's gourmet dinner running away.” answers Einhorn “Einhorn” “Pardon me, Sheryl. The truth is, I'm rather terrified. Please Let's find the others,” asked the worried Psychology professor. "Y-y-yes Let's find the others” says the terrified psychology professor. “By all means Dr., I'm always, here to protect you dear,” smiles the 1st Lieutenant while taking his long blade out a few distances away. “Ahhahaa very assuring”, gulp goes the Psychology Professor nervously. “Seriously, we will get through this,” continues Lieutenant Einhorn “ Isolation is essential creation to an experimental one, other than so and so, what in the cosmo s are you doing here?” looking at Sheryl while four the keep walking slowly, through the dark passageway. “ Getting the... scared out of me, what else?” she chuckles holding the 1st Lieutenant's hand through the darkness. “For the rest of us, yes, but not for you.” whispers Lieutenant Einhorn to Sheryl eye to eyeball while hovering the glowstick above them. “ My... My therapist said that I was a compulsive quitter. He said that I needed to keep starting things so I could stop them.” whispers Sheryl “..Oh and what did you say, to him dear?” asked Einhorn right back. “I stop seeing him..Huh!...” she chuckles. Lieutenant Einhorn bows to her, and grabs her hand and softly kisses her hand, and both wrap their hands around each other. “So, here I am.” she says as they both smiling and walking. It wasn't long until the Coruscanti Precognate felt an unanimous presence around him in the dark. He shaking all over, almost losing his glowstick. He glances around quickly, and sees a realistic statue of Chancellor Palpatine standing proudly. “ Um, yes the infamous Palpatine,” answers 1st Lieutenant Einhorn. “ After all the statues, in the ship, this one is the most preserved out of all,” says Sheryl in shock, “ Why is-” “Listen!” interrupts Lieutenant Einhorn as they all hear groaning and demonic growling. They look back at the statue, and all of a sudden the statue seems to stare at them. “Please, Put your mind somewhere else, and follow me!” whispers Lieutenant Einhorn while they head back slowly to the dark and eerie Control Center. “Any response Corporal?!” asks Lieutenant Einhorn, nervously. “ Nada(nothing), sir” says Corporal Cosine trying to contact anyone. “Hey gals, wait up!” shouts Zalt'troc, coming toward Onya, Sheryl, and Telena, “ Okay, you want to hear something really scary. Okay, I just found this out..(starts whispering) turns out to there's a darker chapter in the Prosecutor fairytale. You know CC-1999 had a Nabooin wife named Verneia. Verneia the Nabooin top Capital beauty princess , she didn't just die here, she killed herself." “Really,” whispers Onya flatteringly, "and the Lieutenant just told you that?” “Yes, but you can't say anything, because he told me it was sworn to secrecy,” he smirks. “Oooh yes, Mmmhmm..” responds Onya. “Why did she kill herself?” asks Sheryl. “She loved adopting Separatist homeless children, but the were secretly kept alive in the Commander's CONFIDENTIAL experimental room and it became sinister on the ship. CC-1999 had many Separatist children bloody-chained to death over looms in the ceiling of the experimental lab. Thus CC-1999, becoming a horrible monster inside drove his wife to it.” “A horrible monster?” questions Sheryl, “ But he commissioned this ship for the woman he loved to stay, like, like the Yavin Temple....” “The Yavin Temple wasn't just a temple palace,” answers Onya, “ it was a tomb. An equally and overdone building.” “Why didn't he tell us?” asks Sheryl sternly. “Maybe he doesn't trust women..” “Yeah..”interrupts Zalt'troc with a bright smile, “ Uhh, I think that's probably it, I think he knew that uhh, your fragile delicate sense of abilites could withdraw, you know, I mean I can handle this...Hey!” Onya starts kicking him away “ Oh, move, move, you beastly man!” “ How did she kill herself?” asks Sheryl “ He didn't say,but-” “But the tourists say,” says Lieutenant Einhorn abruptly, “ Sometimes, near the dark voids, you can hear the sounds. Sounds from the experiment room, sounds of children....... screaming.” They all sit quietly, “That's so sad” whispers Sheryl. Snap!!. A glowstick pops making everyone jump. 1st Lieutenant softly laughs a little from the incident. Onya relishes it, but Zalt'troc shudders. “For second, I need a drink” responds the psychology professor, shakingly, while taking a shot of mixed alcohol beverages from his bottles. Suddenly, Sheryl, senses something in the dark, “ I think there's more to the story... I can feel it, it's all around us.... It's in the ceiling. In the walls. It's in the furniture.....it's in this.” she touches the plexi-glass box a meter away. Kablam!!! Like steel shrapnel, the plexi-glass explodes. Sheryl, SCREAMS in pain, “AAAAh ughuhaa, My eye... oh... my eye... my eye... oh... No...” The others leap up in shock. Blood lines the wall behind her. She clutches at her eye, more blood, spilling, out from between her fingers. “Oh for pete's sake!” says Einhorn being the first to rush over to her. Mr. X'aq and Onya, also, rush over to her as she shrieks in pain. Zalt'troc is frozen, pale, like he's about to be sick. Onya turns the OTHER WAY, but not because she's scared -- she's searching for a glass cup on a side table. Einhorn now wraps Sheryl in his arms. Her shrieking becomes a terrified, but quieter wail. “Sheryl, let me see your eye, please.” says Lieutenant Einhorn, Onya appears by his side with the glass. Einhorn pries Sheryl's hand from her face. Blood flows freely from the eyelid, but her eye is intact. “ Now , cover it, Onya. Don't let her touch the glass cup.” informs Lieutenant Einhorn to Onya. “It's going to be all right” Einhorn keeps whispering and repeating into her ear while leading her to the dark, quiet First Aid room next to the dark eerie Control Center. He lays her down next to a glowstick, covering her with his water-heating blanket, while Sheryl lays there, moaning, glass covering her eye, blood spilling out around the edges. Zalt'troc and Mr. X'aq are also staying in the dark room, preparing to take care of her. “These are my talkie ear pieces,” informs 1st Lieutenant Einhorn giving them to Zalt'troc and Mr. X'aq, “ adjusts those setting immediatetly, and respond to me the second you know anything. Be careful.” he concludes shutting the automatic hatches. Both Cosine and Einhorn stare at the eerie ventilation pipe, “Listen, no time to stare sick, we need move out of here, and fast,” informs sternly toward Cosine, “ I'd rather be up and out than stuck in the trunk, wouldn't you Corporal?” They stare at each other.