| - Secret Society is a Big Button Technology exclusive to the Iroquois in Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs. It is available at the Fire Pit in the Colonial Age. This technology gives the Iroquois War Chief the ability to heal. Note that this is an active ability, not a passive one, so you must order the War Chief to heal units.
- A secret society is a secret lot only available with the University expansion pack for The Sims 2. There is one secret society lot located on the campus of each university. This lot is not visible. Once a secret society lot is placed in a custom university, it becomes hidden. Pre-made secret society lots also have career rewards and aspiration rewards from the University expansion pack and the base game. Secret societies have their own funds; money spent on on a secret society lot comes from the society's funds, not the Sim's. Likewise, money from selling items on the secret society lot, or money earned by using aspiration or career rewards on lot, goes to the society, not the Sim. Also, if a Sim goes to a final exam while on the secret society lot, any money received for semester grades w
| - Secret Society is a Big Button Technology exclusive to the Iroquois in Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs. It is available at the Fire Pit in the Colonial Age. This technology gives the Iroquois War Chief the ability to heal. Note that this is an active ability, not a passive one, so you must order the War Chief to heal units.
- A secret society is a secret lot only available with the University expansion pack for The Sims 2. There is one secret society lot located on the campus of each university. This lot is not visible. Once a secret society lot is placed in a custom university, it becomes hidden. Pre-made secret society lots also have career rewards and aspiration rewards from the University expansion pack and the base game. Secret societies have their own funds; money spent on on a secret society lot comes from the society's funds, not the Sim's. Likewise, money from selling items on the secret society lot, or money earned by using aspiration or career rewards on lot, goes to the society, not the Sim. Also, if a Sim goes to a final exam while on the secret society lot, any money received for semester grades will go to the society, not the Sim. However, any money a Sim earns on the lot will count toward the total amount he or she has earned. While a Sim is on a secret society lot, the telephone menu is restricted. If Open for Business is installed, the "Real Estate" option will be available. Otherwise, the only available option is "Go Home", which calls the limo to take the Sim back home. A Sim who is on a secret society lot will be able to declare or change majors by using a computer, but not by using a phone. Refrigerators also operate differently on a secret society lot. They are always full, but the society will be charged whenever food is taken from them. They will not have the "Make..." option, even if that option is available on other lots, so Sims will not be able to bypass the breakfast/lunch/dinner menus. However, it appears that hamburgers are available at any time of day on a secret society lot. Buy mode and Build mode are available on secret society lots, as is saving. Consequently, a secret society lot can be modified if a playable Sim is on the lot. It is possible to save and exit to the college sub-neighborhood screen, but if this is done, the playable Sim will come home from the secret society lot the next time his/her home lot is loaded. If Nightlife or later is installed, the player is able to access a Sim's inventory, so it is possible for the playable Sim to take objects on the Secret Society lot home with them. Also, objects in the playable Sim's inventory can be placed on the lot. If Open for Business or later is installed, doors can be locked, though they normally cannot be locked on community lots. If Seasons is installed, the season on the secret society lot will not change with the season on the visiting Sim's home lot. __TOC__