| - thumb|150px|Owen Lars and Beru Whitesun
*Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones / comic / novel / junior novel / PhotoComic
*Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith / comic / junior novel / PhotoComic / Illustrated Screenplay
*Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith novel
*Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
*The Last One Standing
*The Last of the Jedi: The Desperate Mission
*Luke Skywalker's Walkabout
*Adventure in Beggar's Canyon
*The Lost City of Tatooine
*Empire 8: Darklighter, Part 1
*Drawing the Maps of Peace: The Moisture Farmer's Tale
*When the Desert Wind Turns: The Stormtrooper's Tale
*Luke's Fate
*Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope / junior novel / radio drama
*Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope novel
*Star Wars 1
*Star Wars 2: Six Against the Galaxy
*Star Wars Manga: A New Hope
*Contemporary Motivators: Star Wars
*Star Wars Journal: The Fight for Justice
*Star Wars Journal: Captive to Evil
*Choose Your Own Star Wars Adventure: A New Hope
*Star Wars Droids 6: Star Wars According to the Droids, Book I
*R2-D2's Mission: A Little Hero's Journey
*The Day after the Death Star!
*Star Wars 1: In the Shadow of Yavin, Part One
*Star Wars 5
*Star Wars 7
*Star Wars 10
*Star Wars 16
*Rebel Force: Target
*Rebel Force: Hostage
*Rebel Force: Renegade
*Rebel Force: Firefight
*Rebel Force: Uprising
*Star Wars Missions 7: Ithorian Invasion
*Jedi's Honor
*Tatooine Sojourn
*The Bounty Hunter of Ord Mantell
*Darth Vader Strikes
*Star Wars 13: Day of the Dragon Lords
*Star Wars 17: Crucible
*Star Wars 31: Return to Tatooine
*Star Wars 32: The Jawa Express
*Star Wars 3-D 1
*Star Wars 3-D 2: Havoc on Hoth
*Empire 30: In the Shadows of Their Fathers, Part 2
*Rebellion 1: My Brother, My Enemy, Part 1
*Rebellion 2: My Brother, My Enemy, Part 2
*Rebellion 5: My Brother, My Enemy, Part 5
*Camie's Story
*Splinter of the Mind's Eye
*Star Wars 66: The Water Bandits
*Shadows of the Empire novel
*Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi novel
*The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader
*The Mandalorian Armor
*Slave Ship
*Hard Merchandise
*The Truce at Bakura
*A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker
*Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor
*Mission from Mount Yoda
*X-Wing: Rogue Squadron
*The Courtship of Princess Leia
*Tatooine Ghost
*Heir to the Empire
*The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi
*Jedi Search
*Children of the Jedi
*Planet of Twilight
*Before the Storm
*Shield of Lies
*Tyrant's Test
*The New Rebellion
*Ambush at Corellia
*Star Wars: Union
*Junior Jedi Knights: The Golden Globe
*Junior Jedi Knights: Promises
*Young Jedi Knights: Return to Ord Mantell
*Young Jedi Knights: Crisis at Crystal Reef
*The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught
*The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth
*The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream
*The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way
*Legacy of the Force: Exile
*Legacy 16: Claws of the Dragon, Part 3
*Legacy 39: Tatooine, Part 3