Brave Attacks
| - Crossover
- Meteor
- Jecht Rush, Jecht Block
- Round Edge, Chain Cast
- Round Edge, Lance Charge, Highbringer, Chain Cast, Bardiche, Twist Drill
- Blizzara
- Godspeed
- Knight's Axe
- Scatter Spray Blizzaga
- Twisty-Turny Blizzaga , Scatter Spray Blizzaga
- Ricochet Shot, Homing Bazooka
- Tentacle of Suffering
- Chain Cast
- Sword Dance , Hurricane
- Rising Wave, Float System
- Tentacle of Spite, Tentacle of Scorn
- Ring Holy , Snatch Blow
- Round Edge, Twin Swords
- Cyclone , Crashing Dive
- Light Crest
- Jecht Block
- Landmine, Light Crest
- Machine Gun, Shotgun
- Fusillade, Mystic Flurry
- Landmine, Bombard, Thunder Crest, Dynamite , Light Crest , Mine
- Black Hole , Hurricane
- Knight's Blade , Knight's Spear
- Snatch Shot , Burst Energy
- Tentacle of Pain
- Rising Wave, Float System, Gravity Force, Gravity System
- Reaper, Shadow Flare , Sudden Cruelty, Oblivion, Godspeed
- Knight's Spear , Knight's Axe , Knight's Blade , Knight's Arrow , Knight's Spear , Knight's Axe
- Lance Charge, Highbringer, Chain Cast, Twist Drill, Bardiche