| - In his creation, he would become known as "The Bright Spirit". He and his brother The Dark Spirit were both supposed guardians of the Matoran Universe, but after the Great Being's completion of the Great Spirit Robot, they got replaced by Mata Nui right before the Shattering. This was because they never found both Raity and The Dark Spirit and had to let the giant robot leave immideatly. While being able to forgive Mata Nui for these actions, The Dark Spirit swore revenge on him. This led to Raity leaving the shattered island of Spherus Magna and watching over the Solis Magna System. After finding out about The Dark Spirit's plan to destroy the Matoran Universe, he decided to travel to Aqua Magna and warn the matoran and toa, even Teridax about this. After finally reaching the Matoran Universe, he came to the swamp infected island of Artidax to behold the giant antidermis of Super Makuta. It was a while earlier, he met toa hero Heehvan, revealing his knowledge of Super Makuta's location, but he didn't want to go further about those questions as he was worried about the time collapsing within his and the toa's feet. He tried to warn Heehvan about The Dark Spirit's power, but he got interrupted by another toa named Eritko, who thought both were hostile warriors. Raity explained the missunderstanding, classifying Eritko as an allie. It was then Super Makuta took his chance to strike against the warriors below him. The fight resulted in Eritko killing Super Makuta and later on, Raity and Heehvan brought him back to the island of Paxila. He's currently helping Eritko to recover on the island after the battle against Super Makuta.