| - 2003:
* Commercial Technology Division of the WCRC absorbed into the World Trade Authority. 2004:
* Colonial I, the first space freighter, enters service. 2005:
* Work starts on Lunar Station. 2006:
* Third World War Bloc admitted to the World Community. 2011:
* Lunar Station operational. 2012:
* Work starts on Mars Station. 2013:
* McKinley Ion Ultradrive is perfected. 2014:
* Launch of Colonial II; first ship to use Ion Ultradrive. 2015:
* Early in the year, the Martian Queen leaves Miami Spaceport for Mars, making the first commercial passenger spaceflight. 2018:
* First shipment of new alloys from Lunar industry. 2023:
* SSF 21D Cutlass Mk. I enters production. 2027:
* Warp Generator perfected by Henri deVass. 2029:
* First Pathfinder ships dispatched to Alpha Centauri, Vega, and Arcturus. c.2030:
* World Community expedition to Barnard’s Star discovers ghostly spaceship artifact. 2033:
* World Community begins to suspect that there is intelligent life in the Alpha Centauri System.
* CAM 130 Cyclops enters production. 2035:
* Transmissions from Pathfinder Alpha, indicating intelligent life, are received. 2036:
* First contact made with Alpha Centaurians. 2038:
* Language barrier with Alpha Centaurians broken.
* First ships come off the Mars Shipyards. 2039:
* Trade & Technology Exchange Agreement signed with Alphans.
* First human science teams sent to Alpha I. They are given demonstrations of Fatboys and observe the City-Ships.
* World Trade Authority becomes Terran Trade Authority. 2041:
* First orbital industrial center off Jupiter completed. 2042:
* First Energy Absorbent Defense Shield (EADS) produced by TTA.
* Proximans begin testing first K34 Bee prototypes. 2045:
* Dr. Hans Berger introduces the Gravity Resist Generator.
* PTV Shuttlebus enters service. 2046:
* Mars Shipyards completed.
* In response to growing demands for commercial travel to Alpha Centauri System, the first Interstellar Queen Mk. I is launched. 2047:
* Pathfinder IX survey ship destroyed by Proxima Centaurians.
* Late in the year, Alpha I is attacked by Proxima. Beginning of Proxima Wars. 2048:
* An Interstellar Queen Mk. I is destroyed by Proxima Centaurians.
* War declared between the World Community and Proximan Government.
* Formation of the Alliance between Alphan Government and the World Community.
* Production of the SSF 21D Cutlass Mk. I is halted by the war's onset. 2049:
* Terran Defence Authority formed.
* TDA beings production of SSF 21D Cutlass Mk. II. c.2050:
* MRT 114 Mule enters service. 2051:
* 18 months after the war’s start, TDA realizes that the war will be longer than had been foreseen, and begins planning Solar System defenses.
* Proximan Government presumably develops FTL capability around this time. 2052:
* Battle for Mars. 2053:
* Severe losses for both sides leads to a shift in tactics: smaller-scale engagements become more common, large-scale confrontations almost end.
* TDA 107C Partisan enters production at Mars Shipyards. 2055:
* Avery Astronautics begins developing AAF 212 Hornet. 2056:
* Early in the year, the Proximans begin using K13 Sharks.
* Avery Astronaitics first demonstrates Hornets to TDA officials, who place the first orders a week later. 2057:
* Second Proximan offensive into the Solar System deemed imminent, but does not occur.
* Partisan production moves from Mars to Jupiter Shipyards.
* First Hornet squadron launched in mid-year. c.2058:
* Proximans introduce the C89F Whale. 2060:
* Allies invade Proxima Centauri System. 2068:
* Final months-long assault against Proximan Homeworlds.
* Proximans make last stand on Proxima II.
* Peace Treaty negotiated. Proxima Wars end.
* Beginning of Reconstruction.
* Cutlass production is permanently ended.
* Development of Interstellar Queen Mk. II begins.
* K34 Bee is rushed into production. 2070:
* World Community becomes the Terran Federation. 2071:
* Interstellar Queen Mk. II enters service. 2073:
* First jet tube opened on Earth, between England and Nova Scotia. 2078:
* Voyager I settler ship leaves Solar System for Arcturus System. 2085:
* By this time, Jet tubes connect Sierra Leone-Rio de Janeiro, Panama City-Honolulu, San Francisco-Honolulu, Tokyo-Honolulu, and Tokyo-Darwin. 2086:
* Voyager I arrives at Arcturus System. 2088:
* Large wooden spaceship is discovered drifting into the Proxima Perimeter. 2090:
* Voyager II and a Conestoga leave Solar System for Arcturus System. 2091:
* Mysterious alien ship sighted on planet Sirius II. 2093:
* Interstellar Queen en route to Alpha I from Terra discovers a wreck containing the abducted Banshee. 2094:
* Second wreck is discovered drifting into spacelanes. 2096:
* Starblade introduced as first Alphan spaceliner. 2098:
* Voyager II arrives at Arcturus System.
* Prospectors discover an alien wreck on the planet Lalande.
* Jet tube from Perth to Durban opens. 2099:
* X-800B prototype makes maiden voyage from Solar System to Proxima System. 2100:
* Spacecraft 2000 to 2100 AD is published by the TTA.