| - April: Wonder what is happening here? Jon: Some kind of festival for fire type Pokemon. Drake: That does seem likely. Man: Hello there, are you here for the volcano festival? Mary: We were passing through, but we’d like to be a part of it. Man: Then now you can. Welcome. Jon: I’m Jon and this is Typhlosion. Typhlosion: Ty. Mary: I’m Mary. April: Hi there, I’m April. Drake: And I’m Drake. Rob: I’m Rob, nice to meet you. Do any of you have any fire type Pokemon, apart from Typhlosion of course. Jon: Mary and I do. Rob: Do you mind sending them out? Jon: Not at all. Rob: You both have Litten. Jon: Yeah, I caught mine. Mary: And Kukui gave me mine. Rob: Well they are both cute. Jon: So, is this festival celebrating the Pokemon of the volcano? Rob: Yes, a bit. It is to keep the Totem Pokemon up there happy and to thank the island deity. April: Like Tapu Koko. Rob: Yes. The guardian here is Tapu Lele. Jon: Tapu Lele? Rotom-Dex: Tapu Lele, the Land Spirit Pokemon. Tapu Lele is a Psychic and Fairy Type Pokemon. The guardian deity of Akala is guilelessly cruel. The fragrant aroma of flowers is the source of its energy. Drake: So, that’s Tapu Lele then. April: Isn’t there four island deities overall. Jon: I’m sure we will meet them all. Rob: Ah, this is my son David. David, this is Jon, Mary, Drake and April. David: Hi. Is that Typhlosion yours Jon? Jon: Yes, he is. David: Awesome. Drake: Do you have any fire type Pokemon David? David: No, but I really want one. Rob: In due time. Rob: What happened? Woman: Someone stole the shrine! David: What! April: How big is the shrine? Rob: It’s an orb. David: Legend has it, it contains a fire type Pokemon. Drake: Is that true? Jon: Either way we need to get it back. April: Mary and I will stay here. Drake: Let’s look around. Jon: It’ll be easier with Dartrix. Drake: True. Drake: Dartrix, can you search from above to see if you can find a shrine which is an orb? Dartrix: Dar. Jon: Litten, Typhlosion, let’s go. Jon: I wonder who took it? Drake: No idea. Litten: Litten! Dartrix: Dartrix Dar. Jon: Great. Lead the way. Jon: Team Rocket! Mike: Twerps! Missy: Prepare for trouble! Mike: And make it double! Missy: We’ll make you run at the speed of sound! Mike: There’s no way you’ll be back around! Missy: Missy! Mike: Mike! Missy: Now. Mike: Give us your Pokemon! Jon: That was awful. Drake: Agreed. Jon: That’s the first time you have made a motto, and that was the best you got. Mike: Hey! Mike: Tackle! Missy: Go! Drake: Dartrix, I need your help. Jon: Litten. Mike: Tackle! Jon: Ember! Drake: Leafage! Missy: Sludge Bomb! Jon: We aren’t doing much to them. Drake: Energy Ball! Mike: Protect! Drake: Argh. Jon: Yungoos is evolving! Mike: Woo! Who is this Pokemon. Drake: Gumshoos. Drake: Dartrix! Jon: Why isn’t Gumshoos confused after using Trash. Mike: Either way Gumshoos is super powerful! Jon: Typhlosion, I need your help. Jon: Now, Focus Blast! Jon: Argh. Missy: Scald! Mike: Hidden Power! Jon: Typhlosion, dodge! Drake: Typhlosion is unharmed. Jon: That was Double Team! Awesome. Now Flamethrower and Ember! Jon: Direct hit! Drake: Go Litten and Typhlosion. Missy: Argh! Jon: Yes! Mike: What twerp! Drake: Why are you celebrating? Jon: Because Litten just used a new move. Now, Ember! Jon: Now, Focus Blast! Jon: Now, Litten use Flame Charge and Typhlosion, Flamethrower! Jon: That was great Litten. You both were. Drake: And you both learnt new moves don’t forget. Jon: Yeah. Rotom, what are their moves now? Rotom-Dex: Typhlosion. Shuriken Blaze, Focus Blast, Flamethrower and Double Team. Rotom-Dex: Litten. Ember, Scratch, Work Up and Flame Charge. Jon: So Typhlosion forgot Shadow Claw and Litten forgot Growl. Jon: Dang it. ???: Have you hurt yourself? Jon: Yeah. Who are you? Josie: I'm Josie. And you two are? Drake: I'm Drake and this is Jon. Josie: Nice to meet you. Now, let's help out. Jon: A Sylveon. Drake: Sylveon? Rotom-Dex: Sylveon, the intertwining Pokemon and an evolved form of Eevee. Sylveon is a pure Fairy Type. Its ribbon-like feelers give off an aura that weakens hostility in its prey, causing them to lower their guard. Then it attacks. Drake: Sylveon sounds cool. Josie: Can you help out Jon's ankle Sylveon? Jon: That took the pain away, well a bit anyway. Drake: What other Pokemon do you have? Jon: Sliggoo, Politoed. But I don't know who the others are. Drake: I don't know any of them. Rotom-Dex: Sliggoo, the Soft Tissue Pokemon. Sliggoo is a pure Dragon Type Pokemon. This Pokemon's mucous can dissolve anything. Toothless, it sprays mucous on its prey. One they are nicely dissolved, it slurps them up. Rotom-Dex: Politoed, the Frog Pokemon. Politoed is a pure Water Type. Whenever three or more of these Pokemon get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing. Rotom-Dex: Mandibuzz, the Bone Vulture Pokemon. Mandibuzz is a Dark and Flying Type. It makes a nest out of bones it finds. It grabs weakened prey in its talons and hauls it to its nest of bones. Rotom-Dex: Tsareena, the Fruit Pokemon and the final evolved form of Bounsweet. Tsareena is a pure Grass type. Its long, striking legs aren't just for show but to be used to kick with skill. In victory, it shows off by kicking the defeated, laughing boisterously. Josie: What is that smell? Drake: That must have been from Litten and Typhlosion! Jon: Why them? Drake: They were the only two Fire Types out. Jon: Good point. Josie: Good idea Sliggoo. Drake: Who is that? Rotom-Dex: Goodra, the Dragon Pokemon and the evolved form of Sliggoo. This very friendly Dragon Type Pokemon will hug its beloved trainer, leaving the trainer covered in sticky slime. Josie: Yes! You evolved into a Goodra! Amazing! Jon: You're happy then. Josie: I always wanted Sliggoo to evolve into a Goodra. Jon: Since Tsareena is the final form of Bounsweet. Bounsweet: Sweet! Tsareena: Reena. Josie: They seem to like each other. Drake: Does seem so. Jon: Thanks Josie and you too Sylveon. Josie: Right, everyone return. Josie: I best be off. Maybe I'll see you guys around. Drake: Yeah. Drake: We should return the shrine. Jon: Right. Mary: It’s been a long time. David: Look there! Rob: Thank you both. April: Who was it in the end? Drake: Team Rocket. Jon: But, Typhlosion and Litten both learnt some new moves so it is all good. David: And we have the shrine back. Jon: Yep. Narrator: While continuing to Wela Volcano Park, our heroes came across a festival, but it was soon stopped as the shrine had been stolen, by none other than Team Rocket. But with Jon and Drake’s help, they were able to beat Team Rocket and get the shrine back. Now, our heroes and everyone at the festival can now enjoy their time and have fun.