| - Area used to make larger outdoor buildings.
- The Construction Yard is a limited-time building that was released on October 4, 2016 as part of the Treehouse of Horror XXVII Event.
- Construction Yard — строительная площадка в игре Grand Theft Auto 2, расположенная в Латтеро, Промышленный район Эниуэр-Сити; он занимает большую часть этого района. На строительной площадке первоначально должен был быть построен торговый центр Корпорации Дзайбацу, но действия Клода Спида, вероятно, привели к приостановке строительства.
- The Construction Yard is the first level in Twisted Metal 4. It features 4 cross-sectional areas on different corners of the center of the level, where a controllable crane is placed. Crusher is the boss of this level. There are also conveyer belts which drag cars toward flamethrowers. You fight 3 regular enemies here.
- Construction Yard – plac budowy położony na terenie dzielnicy Lattero, w południowej części dystryktu Industrial w Anywhere City; zajmuje on większą część tej dzielnicy. Na placu budowy miało pierwotnie powstać centrum handlowe gangu Zaibatsu, jednak działania Claude'a najprawdopodobniej doprowadziły do wstrzymania budowy.
- The Construction Yard (Commonly known as a ConYard) is a structure which allows building other structures. Under normal Map Options, the MCV, which can transform into a conYard, is the only starting unit. Since the MCV and ConYard are interelated, this article provides information about both. A deployed conYard can undeploy and turn back into an MCV. Deployment or undeployment is almost instant. The player can only build structures if at least one conYard is deployed. Deploying multiple conYards speeds up the building production queue.