| - A good fighter can take anything and be able to use it as a weapon. Swords, guns, boomerangs, chainsaws, and even...an umbrella? Yes, despite their standard use as protectors from rain, snow and sunlight, a parasol can be a deadly weapon in the hands of any fictional character, if used the right way. In this case, they're mainly used for clubbing people to death, but some varieties of umbrellas can shoot things - from bullets to gas to laser beams. Don't be fooled if you see an old lady wielding an umbrella. Get on her bad side, and she'll whack you good! Examples of Parasol of Pain include: /
| - A good fighter can take anything and be able to use it as a weapon. Swords, guns, boomerangs, chainsaws, and even...an umbrella? Yes, despite their standard use as protectors from rain, snow and sunlight, a parasol can be a deadly weapon in the hands of any fictional character, if used the right way. In this case, they're mainly used for clubbing people to death, but some varieties of umbrellas can shoot things - from bullets to gas to laser beams. Don't be fooled if you see an old lady wielding an umbrella. Get on her bad side, and she'll whack you good! It's a pretty versatile "weapon", too. Opening the parasol often lets it serve as a shield against attacks, even though most Real Life umbrellas aren't that durable, though some works imply or outright say the parasol is made of metal. It can even, in a pinch, serve as a parachute. Running Razor Floss along the rim of the canopy turns the parasol into a razor-edged shield. And if all else fails, you can always just hide a sword in it. Compare Parasol of Prettiness, Kicking Ass in All Her Finery. Examples of Parasol of Pain include: /
* Guido from Samurai Pizza Cats is surely the king of this trope. His Samurai Sunspot Umbrella can do pretty much anything.
* The Yato from Gintama use their metal umbrellas as protection from the sun, batons, shields and… guns. While there is no normal bullet that can pierce them, a yato's punch is very well capable of that.
* Kenshin used an umbrella as a weapon in one episode of Rurouni Kenshin. He even claimed to have a special style for it. Pretty unsurprisingly. Traditional Japanese umbrellas are made of wood, with rather thick bamboo ribs and stretchers, so when folded they make for excellent clubs.
* Tot from Weiss Kreuz, just like Setsuka, has an umbrella with a hidden blade.
* Christopher Shouldered from Baccano! is a Battle Butler with an umbrella as the personal choice weapon. It has a supposedly bulletproof canvas and with it, Christopher not only kicks ass, but he kicks Ax Crazy Graham Spector's ass.
* Ryouga of Ranma One Half easily wields an umbrella far too heavy for a normal human to carry, it can also float in water.
* In addition to the typical combat uses, Ryoga will also open the umbrella and throw it with a spin, turning it into a razor sharp boomerang style attack. Interestingly, it's not laser guided. To be fair, the main reason he uses it is to protect himself from his water-induced curse.
* Roberta's umbrella in Black Lagoon is a shotgun with Bottomless Magazines. It's also apparently made of kevlar since it seems to be able to shield her against bullets.
* If you look closely, she uses it as a cover while she gets behind her trunk... which does shield her from bullets.
* If you're looking closely, you might notice that the 'brella gun seems to be a SPAS12.
* Some bodyguard (not Sousuke) used one in Full Metal Panic.
* Kagura from Gintama regularly uses one that doubles as a gun. It seems to be the weapon of choice amongst the Yato, where brute force doesn't do the trick. The umbrella belonging to Night King Housen is massive. Justified, since the Yato clan is said to become weaker under the sun.
* Episode 42 has her father use his umbrella to shield people from a massive laser cannon thing. It works.
* A minor character in Naruto named Shigure uses this as a weapon, which shoots seemingly endless amounts of deadly needles. Unfortunately, that tactic only gets said character killed by Gaara, who quite easily blocked them with his sand. Judging by others we see, the umbrella is the preferred weapon of the Hidden Rain Village.
* Played dead serious in Perfect Blue. *shudder*
* Oyuki from Lady Snowblood (both manga and films) used a sword cane built into an umbrella to carry out her Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
* Feitang, one of the extremely murderous thieves of the Spider from Hunter X Hunter, fights using an umbrella. If angered enough, he pulls a sword out of the handle. If further provoked, he spontaneously combusts and all his colleagues take cover. But mostly he just kicks ass with the umbrella.
* Mei from Ga-Rei Zero has one of these which is also a Parasol of Prettiness.
* Yukari Sakuragi's umbrella in Another causes her death. More exactly, Yukari fell down the stairs of her school; the umbrella reached the bottom first, then opened as she was still tumbling down, and ended up piercing her neck with the metal end.