| - A Jotun is a giant, member of the Jötnar race, of norse mythology. By default, in their original mythology, a jotunn is one of a race of giants associated with the fire element, inhabiting Muspelheim, a place of heat and fire, represented in Random Kingdom most likely through the Red Giants; however, from my understanding, the term also encompasses a group of ice-affiliated giants called the Hrimthurs, represented in Random Kingdom through the Blue Giants.
- In 2502 the War Pigs kidnapped a woman, Ellen Houston, from the mobile mine of Revelation, killing some of their security forces as they left. They had done so at the behest of her (ex-)husband, Denny.
- File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: File:WaterIcon.png Water: Jabberwock File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Dullahan File:LightIcon.png Light: Sphinx | Ghoulie | Utagawara Senko File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Honda Tadakatsu File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple:
- Eine große Rolle in Fallout 3 spielt er nicht. Er steht nur in der Stadt rum und erwähnt ab und an mal, dass er seinen Vater beschützen muss. Bei Dialogen mit ihm merkt man, dass er unglaublich unintelligent ist. Er wird feindlich in Kämpfen, die in Paradise Falls stattfinden, bis sein Vater getötet wird. Danach wird er andere Sklavenhändler bekämpfen.
- Jotun is a titanic watcher that walks along the Path of the Titans. He has no noteworthy drops.
- Jotun is a slaver at Paradise Falls in the year 2277.
- Jotuns or known as The Frost Giants that live in Jotunheim. Laufey (Loki's father) was the ruler of the Giants.
- “Halgo, Demicus!” Jotun called, as the many barbarians of the forest planet, Feylund, finally blanketed him with enough ropes to pull him to the ground. Never before had the colossal giant been in fear for his life. "Brothers, save me!" Jotun cried out, as one of the ruthless barbarians climbed to Jotun’s chest and raised his spear skyward to finish their evil task. But fate intervened just in time as Ullar summoned Jotun to his cause, thereby forever placing the mighty giant in his debt.
- Jotun - Magier aus der Zauberschule von Hermund auf Karcanon. War beteiligt bei der Vertreibung des Dämons Bhamoras unter der Leitung des Erzmagiers des Kaisers Bofri, des Elfenkönigs Katuum von Taron don Umn. Zuletzt im Tischri 428 n.P. bei Nueve Ralanda gesichtet. . Myra-Fundort: WB63/15 .
- The Jotun stands in at a height of at least 200 ft and easily dwarves all other trolls in the film, being based on the ice giants of Norse legend - being such a tremendous beast the Jotun serves as the final antagonist which the titular "troll hunter" faces.
- This Is A Please Help Us By Expanding It. Jotun is a unique boss as he is often fought with his brothers Ullik and Grettir making it the arguably hardest boss fight in the game. To bypass this you must first beat his brothers in the adjacent dungeons. This will allow you to fight Jotun alone with some minions instead of his Boss brothers. Documentation on how to edit this page can be found at
- Jotun are a species of giant ogre-like humanoids found in the northern reaches of the Tyrian continent in the Guild Wars Eye of the North expansion pack. They are about the size of common Tyrian Giants but have larger heads and a lack of horns. They typically carry any of a variety of oversized mace like weapons and wear only a crude loincloth around their waist. While the Jotun do not appear to be intelligent, they can be heard to occasionally utter a few short phrases in the common tongue.