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- Wasting time is... well, you know. That thing that people do. A good example of it would be saying what it is, because, you know... some people do it when they're bored, some people do it just because. You know. Anyway... yeah. Almost everyone in the world has wasted time at one point or another in their lives. It happens all over: in cities, towns, villages, countries, provinces, nations, states, continents, islands, hole-in-the-road towns barely big enough to hold a post office, everywhere.
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- Wasting time is... well, you know. That thing that people do. A good example of it would be saying what it is, because, you know... some people do it when they're bored, some people do it just because. You know. Anyway... yeah. Almost everyone in the world has wasted time at one point or another in their lives. It happens all over: in cities, towns, villages, countries, provinces, nations, states, continents, islands, hole-in-the-road towns barely big enough to hold a post office, everywhere. There are two very basic categories of time-wasting: wasting your own time and wasting other people's time.