| - Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information
- The Psion hero is one of the 4 path's to choose from. Its first talisman is the Intellectual Headband and focuses on intelligence.
- Psion (pronounced sigh-on) is the term for someone with psionic abilities. These abilities vary from person to person. The strength also varies from person to person as well.
- A 1st level psion begins with hit points equal to 12 plus the psion's Constitution score, healing surges per day equal to 6 plus the psion's Constitution modifier, and a +2 bonus to Will defense. A psion gains 4 hit points per level.
- Psions specialize in the ability known as Psionics to perform a wide variety of feats such as harming others, slowing opponents, flight, and various other abilities. Predominately, this class is made up of Psycians who have a major edge over the other races in Psionics. Because of their superior abilities through Psionics, Psions have very limited useage of runes.
- File:Ei psion rar.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Psions manipulate mental energies, their own and those of others. They are Arcane spellcasters who transmute their own mental energies via arcane magic into rays and blasts of negative energy which harms and disorients foes. Though their abilities are primarily offensive, they can also use their intimate knowledge and closeness with the mental to cure and diagnose mental illnesses as well as induce sleep and manipulate emotions to a certain extent by forcing a sentient being's brain to release various chemicals and substances into the body of the subject, of course against anything without a brain (elementals, machines etc) this does not work.
- Psions are those people who are able to cast spell-like powers with only their minds.
- In combat, Psions utilize standard rifles, and are physically weaker than their Cabal brethren, but make up for it with a smaller frame, greater agility, and powerful shockwave attacks that can deal heavy damage.
- The following are changes in the Psion class from its listing in Dreamscarred Press material.
- 250px|thumb|Psion (telepata) 250px|thumb|Epicki psion Psion to klasa podstawowa skupiająca się na wykorzystaniu umysłu jako źródła psioniki.
- (BASE CLASS) Psions use the power innate in their own minds to their advantage. Psionic abilities are hereditory, but not everyone who has them knows they have them (they are called 'latents'). In rare cases, Psionic abilities can by granted by strange outer planar entities. Why they would do such a thing is unknown. Psions main abilities are telekinesis and controlling the minds of others. They also tend to be intelligent and have an unnatural sense of danger. Class Skills: Concentration, Heal, Lore, Parry, Persuade, Spellcraft, Craft Trap, Craft Weapon, Craft Armor.
- Psions are discussed as the "substance" the mind is made of in Earth X. Similar concepts exist in other EarthNs as well. This article contains information which is perhaps partially made redundant by information found in the Psionics article; it will discuss the composition of the "self", the consciousness. A recent position developed is that life and death are indifferent and that the notion of a "self" only arises as an illusion generated by the congregation of the senses. This is exemplified by the "Brick Parable". The parable then goes on to ask if said brick is built into the wall of a house - what then is the being? The implication here is that the body of any organism, too, is composed if cells. If single-cell organisms are living beings of their own, then cells inside a multicellul
- A psion is a person who uses the power of the mind, or psionics to influence objects, rather than magic. Often colloquially referred to as "mind mages," they draw their powers from their own consciousness using methods that must be replenished, or can be innate, as in illithid, aboleth, kalashtar, psiforged, and drow practitioners. Although it is not fully known, this gift is an inherited trait and is subsequently genetic. That being true, it is rare to find a psion in races where psionic powers are not the norm. Despite their rarity, a master psion can be quite powerful. Not being held to the need for gestures or spell components a psionicist is awarded the advantage of surprise in many cases, and thus may hold an advantage over a magic user or a priest. However, in many of the humanoid r
- Psion, also known as Viaan Sidana (वीयान सिडाना), is a resident of North 8th Street in WayHaven City. Viaan was born quirkless but he didn't let it bother himself. Instead, Viaan showed tremendous interest in scholastic fields, especially chemistry and graduated middle school at the age of 13. He joined Colbridge Academy to pursue majors in Chemistry. By this time, he had completely set up his personal laboratory in his home. He came up with a hypothetical biomolecule which could be made artificially and could affect the nervous system in positive ways. The professor did not like his idea and shunned his paper.
- right Un potente pugno o un fulmineo affondo di spada svaniscono di fronte alla determinazione che si legge nello sguardo dello psion. I poteri psionici derivano da una rigida disciplina mentale sviluppata nel corso di anni di autoanalisi ed esercizi mentali. Coloro che riescono a vincere i propri demoni, le proprie neurosi e gli altri impedimenti dell'analisi personale apprendono come richiamare una riserva interiore di potere. Gli psion necessitano di uno studio continuo della propria mente per scoprire una gamma sempre più ampia di poteri mentali. Meditano sui ricordi e la natura stessa dei ricordi, discutono con le loro personalità divise e scavano negli oscuri recessi dei labirintici corridoi delle proprie menti. "Conosci te stesso" non è solo un modo di dire per gli psion, ma la stra
- Psions (想子, literally "Thought Particles", the English spelling is "psyon") are non-physical particles that come under the dimension of psychic phenomenon, an information element that records the result of cognizance and thought. They are similar to Pushions in that Pushions are the particle manifestations of emotions from intention and thought, while Psions are the particle manifestations of intention and thought. [Note: This is still at a hypothetical stage.] In Ancient Magic, these particles are referred to as chi.
- Psions, Homo sapiens mentis, are artificially-created forms of psychomorphs in the 22nd century. The media came up with the term after bastardizing the term for the psion, the particle representing psi as the fifth, unifying force (along with gravity's gravitons, electromagnetism's photons, the strong nuclear force's gluons and the weak nuclear force's bosons). The chamber slightly alters the latent on a genetic level, "triggering" them to noetic awareness. The latent is now a psion, and capable of accessing the full range of noetic ability.