Quarter is a cartoon franchise produced by Eggy Soulster. It consists four films including: Quarter (1999), Quarter Again (2004), Quarter: Attack Of The Giant Paint (2009) and Quarter: Evil Machine Invasion (2013). A 4D version of the first Quarter movie was released in 2012 called The Epic-er Quarter, which used the "Aroma-scope" that was also used in Spy Kids: All the Time in the World and Rugrats Go Wild. The series primarily focuses on Quarter, a fraction robot who is really intelligent.
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| - Quarter is a cartoon franchise produced by Eggy Soulster. It consists four films including: Quarter (1999), Quarter Again (2004), Quarter: Attack Of The Giant Paint (2009) and Quarter: Evil Machine Invasion (2013). A 4D version of the first Quarter movie was released in 2012 called The Epic-er Quarter, which used the "Aroma-scope" that was also used in Spy Kids: All the Time in the World and Rugrats Go Wild. The series primarily focuses on Quarter, a fraction robot who is really intelligent.
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Row 4 info
| - Short films:
* Quart Goes Fishing
* Quarter In Permanent Paint Accident.
* Quarter, Hemlin and their Fraction Pals
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Row 2 info
| - Films:
* Quarter
* Quarter Again
* Quarter: Attack Of The Giant Paint
* Quarter: Evil Machine Invasion
TV Shows:
* The Quarter Project
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Row 3 info
| - * Quarter
* Quarter Operation Force
* Quarter Again
* Quarter DS
* Quarter: Attack Of The Giant Paint
* Quarter 3D Land
* Quarter Vs Bad Robots
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Box Title
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| - Quarter is a cartoon franchise produced by Eggy Soulster. It consists four films including: Quarter (1999), Quarter Again (2004), Quarter: Attack Of The Giant Paint (2009) and Quarter: Evil Machine Invasion (2013). A 4D version of the first Quarter movie was released in 2012 called The Epic-er Quarter, which used the "Aroma-scope" that was also used in Spy Kids: All the Time in the World and Rugrats Go Wild. The series primarily focuses on Quarter, a fraction robot who is really intelligent. The series was a great financial success, being the 26th highest-grossing franchise of all time, and the 9th highest-grossing animated franchise.