| - The ending begins with a faraway shot of Cure Miracle, Cure Magical, Cure Felice and Mofurun standing underneath a silver gazebo covered with vines that have blooming pink flowers on them. The camera zooms in on Cure Miracle who begins dancing in the sunny sky, and when she claps, the camera goes to Magical who also starts dancing with the sun setting in the background. The camera finally moves to Cure Felice who begins dancing in the starry sky. When the girls shout "Yay!", the sky becomes blue again. Throughout their dance routine, the sky changes from day time to night time when suddenly, the gazebo starts moving inwards and outwards. It then spins around very fast, where it opens up, making the girls dance on a floating platform up in space, right above planet Earth (that sequence is used from episode 22 to 26 and comes back again in episode 40 to episode 42, albeit with slight alterations). From episode 27 to episode 30, the girls are dancing right above the ocean. From episode 31 to episode 34 and episode 47, they are dancing on top of a cake. From episode 35 to episode 37, they are dancing on top of a chocolate cake, with special focus on Mofurun. From episode 43 to episode 46, they are dancing on top of a Christmas-themed cake. The Cures then cast magic spells during their dance routine to summon Magic Brooms, in which they each grab one and dance with it. As they dance, the remaining brooms dance around them. Towards the end of the song, the brooms disappear and they spin around before striking a pose. They then begin waving towards the camera.