Hoverball was a popular sport played on a large field.
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| - Benutzt von: Menschen (Bündnis)
- Hoverball was a popular sport played on a large field.
- The Risian Joval played with such a ball in 2366, and the ball flew around Jean-Luc Picard who was relaxing with a book. She excused herself and got into a conversation with Picard. (TNG: "Captain's Holiday" ) Chakotay and B'Elanna Torres frequently played hoverball together on Voyager's holodeck. One such match was interrupted by a call to the bridge in 2372, when Torres was leading nineteen-seven. At some point prior to 2373, Torres insisted on finishing a hoverball championship with a broken ankle. (VOY: "Remember")
- thumb|Ein Hoverball. Hoverball ist ein Sport aus dem 24. Jahrhundert. Der Sport wird auf dem Planeten Risa betrieben. (DS9: ) Als Jean-Luc Picard 2366 auf Risa Urlaub macht, wird dieser von einer Risanerin zu einem Hoverball-Spiel eingeladen. Picard lehnt aber diese Einladung ab. (TNG: ) 2372 spielen B'Elanna Torres und Chakotay auf dem Holodeck zusammen Hoverball und Torres ist dabei das Spiel zu gewinnen. Ihr Spiel wird jedoch durch einen Ruf Captain Kathryn Janeways unterbrochen. (VOY: )
- Hoverball was a popular sport in the 24th century and was played on a court which could either be outside or inside. Participants in the game would wear a hover suit which was fitted with an artificial gravity, and whose aim was to compete with another player to gain control of a small ball which was also equipped with an antigrav device and propulsion system. As hoverball is a high-impact sport there is a high risk of injury, and all participants are also equipped with helmets. (TNG episode: "Captain's Holiday"; DS9 episode: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."; VOY episodes: "Remember", "Unity"; VOY short story: "Winds of Change")
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| - Benutzt von: Menschen (Bündnis)
- thumb|Ein Hoverball. Hoverball ist ein Sport aus dem 24. Jahrhundert. Der Sport wird auf dem Planeten Risa betrieben. (DS9: ) Als Jean-Luc Picard 2366 auf Risa Urlaub macht, wird dieser von einer Risanerin zu einem Hoverball-Spiel eingeladen. Picard lehnt aber diese Einladung ab. (TNG: ) 2372 spielen B'Elanna Torres und Chakotay auf dem Holodeck zusammen Hoverball und Torres ist dabei das Spiel zu gewinnen. Ihr Spiel wird jedoch durch einen Ruf Captain Kathryn Janeways unterbrochen. (VOY: ) Bei einer späteren Gelegenheit lädt Torres Chakotay erneut zu einem Hoverballmatch auf das Holodeck ein, als er 2373 in der Nekrit-Ausdehnung von seinem Aufenthalt bei der Kooperative zurückkehrt. (VOY: ) 2374 spielen Harry Kim und Tom Paris in der Nacht Hoverball auf dem Holodeck, da sie nicht einschlafen können. (VOY: ) 2376 muss Seven of Nine unter anderem die Algorithmen des Doktors für Hoverball aus seinem Programm entfernen, damit er zur Erde geschickt werden kann. (VOY: ) 2377 meint Kathryn Janeway nach ihrer Befreiung aus dem Borg-Kollektiv, dass durch die Entfernung der Rückgratklammern es noch einige Zeit dauern wird, bis sie wieder Hoverball spielen kann. (VOY: )
- Hoverball was a popular sport in the 24th century and was played on a court which could either be outside or inside. Participants in the game would wear a hover suit which was fitted with an artificial gravity, and whose aim was to compete with another player to gain control of a small ball which was also equipped with an antigrav device and propulsion system. As hoverball is a high-impact sport there is a high risk of injury, and all participants are also equipped with helmets. (TNG episode: "Captain's Holiday"; DS9 episode: "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."; VOY episodes: "Remember", "Unity"; VOY short story: "Winds of Change") In 2373, Kes and B'Elanna Torres participated in several games of hoverball on the USS Voyager's holodeck as a means to channel some of Kes's anger and frustration following her possession by Tieran. (VOY short story: "Winds of Change")
- The Risian Joval played with such a ball in 2366, and the ball flew around Jean-Luc Picard who was relaxing with a book. She excused herself and got into a conversation with Picard. (TNG: "Captain's Holiday" ) Chakotay and B'Elanna Torres frequently played hoverball together on Voyager's holodeck. One such match was interrupted by a call to the bridge in 2372, when Torres was leading nineteen-seven. At some point prior to 2373, Torres insisted on finishing a hoverball championship with a broken ankle. (VOY: "Remember") Arandis tried to arranged a game of hoverball on one of the indoor courts on Risa in 2373, following sabotage to the weather modification network by the New Essentialists. (DS9: "Let He Who Is Without Sin...") Later that year, Torres observed that Chakotay seemed distracted, and commented that he needed "a good thrashing on the hoverball court," and offered to book time on the holodeck. Chakotay accepted the offer. (VOY: "Unity") When suffering from insomnia in 2374, Tom Paris and Harry Kim played three late-night games of hoverball in a row in an attempt to wear themselves out. It did not work. (VOY: "Waking Moments") While working on the Pathfinder Project, Reginald Barclay spent a lot of time in a holodeck recreation of Voyager. At one point he had a hoverball game scheduled with the holographic Tom Paris. (VOY: "Pathfinder") The Doctor included hoverball amongst his interests by 2376, evidently as a participant as there was a subroutine in his program on the sport. (VOY: "Life Line") After being briefly assimilated in 2377, Kathryn Janeway remarked that it would be a while before she would be able to play hoverball again. (VOY: "Unimatrix Zero, Part II")
- Hoverball was a popular sport played on a large field.
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