Spirit Shaman (26), Warlock (1), Cleric (1), Shadowdancer 2 Looking through the character builds, I noticed one disturbing thing - no one had made a Spirit Shaman based build. Well, I rolled up my sleeves and decided to get to it. The Shadowed Pactmaster is a Spirit Shaman natural spellcaster with a full 30 caster level, high spell DCs, and HiPS. Her pacts have not been limited to spirits, fey, and elementals, she has made arrangements even with Gods and Devils to enhance her powers.
Attributes | Values |
| - Shadowed Pactmaster SS (26), Wlk (1), C (1), SD (2)
| - Spirit Shaman (26), Warlock (1), Cleric (1), Shadowdancer 2 Looking through the character builds, I noticed one disturbing thing - no one had made a Spirit Shaman based build. Well, I rolled up my sleeves and decided to get to it. The Shadowed Pactmaster is a Spirit Shaman natural spellcaster with a full 30 caster level, high spell DCs, and HiPS. Her pacts have not been limited to spirits, fey, and elementals, she has made arrangements even with Gods and Devils to enhance her powers.
| - Any Evil or any Chaotic . After level 2, whatever
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| - Any available nature Deity
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| - 1.0
- SS1
- SS2
- SD2
- SD1
- SS10
- SS11
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- SS26
- SS3
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- Wlk1
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| - Spirit Shaman (26), Warlock (1), Cleric (1), Shadowdancer 2 Looking through the character builds, I noticed one disturbing thing - no one had made a Spirit Shaman based build. Well, I rolled up my sleeves and decided to get to it. The Shadowed Pactmaster is a Spirit Shaman natural spellcaster with a full 30 caster level, high spell DCs, and HiPS. Her pacts have not been limited to spirits, fey, and elementals, she has made arrangements even with Gods and Devils to enhance her powers.
* As mentioned, a natural Spellcaster with full level 30 spellcasting and fairly high DCs
* Achieves level 2 shadowdancer feats including the infamous HiPS, Evasion, and Uncanny Dodge. Access to Camouflage to buff Hide
* Can be fully armored with access to medium armor, heavy armor, and shields, though HiPS is best used with low armor check penalties.
* Mobility helps with attacks of opportunity
* Good saves thanks to Dark One's Own Luck (among other bonuses)
* Cleric domain bonuses, divine shield with high Charisma
* Fairly High UMD
* Full Spirit Shaman bonuses including the potent Favored of the Spirits and Spirit Journey as an emergency defense. Follow the Guide combined with great will saves and Spirit Who Walks makes you nearly untouchable by enchantment effects
* Can achieve good AC with Tortoise Shell (used with Freedom of Movement), shields, and Divine Shield. Also has access to Foundation of Stone and Storm Avatar for knockdown immunity. Combined with the aforementioned HiPS, decent saves and evasion this build is fairly capable defensively.
* Knockdown immunity combined with Protection from Alignment from cleric level allows some defense from Bigby's Forceful Hand from good/evil mages
* Unlike most offensive spellcasters has access to some good healing spells including extended Regeneration and Heal
* Roleplays fairly well - consistent as a Human bargaining with powers for power. Not as cheesy as some builds, as much as we all like to play as Drow Favored Soul Red Dragon Disciples born with a Luck of Heroes for good measure
* Good campaign playability. No experience penalties, HiPS by level 20. In MotB your class is redundant with Gann's but that doesn't necessarily hurt. Dropping the Spot/listen skill and using those points for conversation skills instead completes the campaign playablity.
* Something of an excess of skill points early on, very tight skill points after Shadowdancer levels are taken at CL 19
* As-is needs wisdom-boosting equipment to access higher level spells. Fortunately can self-buff natural AC leaving the pendant equipment slot open. If desired you have enough Charisma that you may move your pre-epic levels into Wisdom for lower magic worlds without greatly affecting the build.
* Poor melee. Basic strength/dex and final BAB is 20 - worse than medium BAB, and doesn't achieve the 5th attack. Natural Spellcasters don't have access to Divine Power to make up for it, therefore. . .
* Your offense relies on your spells, which is not always ideal depending on the enemy. Natural spellcasters have a bit of a lack of good direct damage spells like disintegrate, Missile Storm, horrid wilting, etc. One of the only good non-reflex-save direct damage spells is Extract Water Elemental, which leaves your level 6 spell choices a bit tight
* Spell Resistance may be troublesome
* Lowish dexterity and armor check penalties hinder Hide/Move Silently compared to a dedicated stealth build
* Low Constitution
* Misses Stone/Iron body for uncapped damage reduction and great immunities. Even divine builds get Stone Body, and even Druids can get Oaken Resilience
* Also missing the extremely useful spell mantles and spell breach/assay resistance. No Mind Blank, leaving a weakness to Forceful Hand daze effects from neutral spellcasters without immunity: mind affect equipment. Natural spellcasters are at something of a disadvantage in some mage duels