Sinjir Rath Velus was a human male ex-loyalty officer who served the Galactic Empire until the Battle of Endor. Following the destruction of the second Death Star, Sinjir abandoned his post and fled the Empire. Within the Imperial records he was listed among the casualties at Endor until a short time before the Rebellion on Akiva.
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- Sinjir Rath Velus
- Sinjir Rath Velus
| - [Source] Sinjir Rath Velus était un humain qui servit l'Empire Galactique en tant qu'officier de probité jusqu'à la bataille d'Endor. Suite à la destruction de la Seconde Étoile de la Mort, Sinjir déserta son poste et se cacha de l'Empire. Il fut considéré comme mort au combat sur Endor pendant plusieurs mois jusqu'à la bataille d'Akiva.
- Sinjir Rath Velus was a human male ex-loyalty officer who served the Galactic Empire until the Battle of Endor. Following the destruction of the second Death Star, Sinjir abandoned his post and fled the Empire. Within the Imperial records he was listed among the casualties at Endor until a short time before the Rebellion on Akiva.
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| - * Império Galáctico
* Nova República
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| - *Empire Galactique
**Bureau de Sécurité Impériale
*Nouvelle République
- *Galactic Empire
**Commission for the Preservation of the New Order
***Imperial Security Bureau
*New Republic
**Norra Wexley's team
| - Sinjir Rath Velus
- Sinjir Rath Velus
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| - New Republic
- Nova República
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| - [Source] Sinjir Rath Velus était un humain qui servit l'Empire Galactique en tant qu'officier de probité jusqu'à la bataille d'Endor. Suite à la destruction de la Seconde Étoile de la Mort, Sinjir déserta son poste et se cacha de l'Empire. Il fut considéré comme mort au combat sur Endor pendant plusieurs mois jusqu'à la bataille d'Akiva. Alors qu'un sommet impérial secret se tenait sur la planète Akiva, il fit la rencontre de Norra Wexley, son fils Temmin, le droïde Monsieur Os et retrouva la chasseuse de primes Jas Emari. Avec ce petite groupe, il participa à la capture des plusieurs dignitaires du Conseil de l'Avenir Impérial et rejoignit la Nouvelle République.
- Sinjir Rath Velus was a human male ex-loyalty officer who served the Galactic Empire until the Battle of Endor. Following the destruction of the second Death Star, Sinjir abandoned his post and fled the Empire. Within the Imperial records he was listed among the casualties at Endor until a short time before the Rebellion on Akiva. During the Imperial emergency summit, he met Norra Wexley and her son Temmin Wexley, his droid Mister Bones, and re-encountered Jas Emari, with whom he collaborated to capture the Imperial Future Council. Following their ordeal, he joined the New Republic, for which he would go on a mission to hunt Imperial war criminals alongside Emari, the Wexleys, and Jom Barell. By 5 ABY, Sinjir had formed a romantic relationship with the freelance New Republic slicer Conder Kyl. At the request of Princess Leia Organa, Sinjir and his companions also became involved in a quest to find the smuggler Han Solo and rescue the Wookiee co-pilot Chewbacca from Ashmead's Lock prison. Later, Sinjir, Jas, and Jom helped Han and Chewbacca to liberate the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk from Imperial rule. Sinjir then joined Norra and her team in hunting down Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, the alleged mastermind of the attack on Chandrila. After discovering the presence of a large Imperial fleet above the desert world of Jakku during their hunt for Sloane, Sinjir and Temmin returned to the New Republic while Norra and Jas remained trapped on the planet. Sinjir and Temmin managed to warn Princess Leia and Chancellor Mon Mothma. However, Mothma's efforts to send New Republic military forces to Jakku were stymied in the Galactic Senate. Sinjir led an investigation which unmasked the Black Sun and Red Key crime syndicates' conspiracy to coerce five senators into voting against the resolution. Sinjir managed to convince the five senators to change their votes in favor of intervention, setting the stage for the Battle of Jakku. During the last days of the Galactic Civil War, Sinjir became one of Chancellor Mothma's new advisers and foiled a plot by her political rival Senator Tolwar Wartol to assassinate the Chancellor. The former Imperial then participated in the New Republic's peace talks with Grand Vizier Mas Amedda, which facilitated the Empire's surrender and the Galactic Concordance. Sinjir remained a senior adviser in Mon Mothma's government following the Galactic Civil War.