| - A brief statement about God. An expansion of the statement to describe the God.
- Yondalla, also known as the Protector and Provider, the Nurturing Matriarch and the Blessed One, is a lawful good greater deity of protection, fertility, the halfling race, children, security, leadership, diplomacy, wisdom, the cycle of life, creation, family and familial Love, tradition, community, harmony and prosperity. She is the creator of halfling race and matriarch of its pantheon. A lot of her portfolios are shared with the latter one's other members.
- She's the entry contact to be granted clearance for a Neutral Rescue mission aboard the Corellian Corvette dungeon.
- Yondalla was not, in fact, a true goddess but rather a divine aspect of the goddess Chauntea.
- Yondalla was a Zabrak female working for Jabba the Hutt as a lieutenant. She resided in Wayfar, Tatooine, near Jabba's Palace. When one of Jabba's top assassins, S'lee, was arrested by CorSec, she was given the task of finding someone who could break him out of the CR90 corvette en route to Dathomir. Once it docked, S'lee was to be traded to the Imperials for a CorSec officer. It was important to Jabba that S'lee not end up with the Imperials, as he was afraid S'lee would talk.
- Name: Yondalla Gender: f Rank: Greater Deity Areas of Concern/Portfolio: Halfings, Protection, Fertility Titles: The Protector and Provider, The Nurturing Matriarch, The Blessed One Holy Symbol: Cornucopia Alignment: Lawful Good Origin of Worship: Halflings Favored Weapon: Longsword or short sword Domains: Animal, Community, Good, Law, Plant, Protection
- In her aspect as Dallah Thaun, Lady of Mysteries, Yondalla has a CN alignment and patrons greed, deceit and stealth. She is part of Halfling pantheon.
- Yondalla is the creator of the halfling race and matriarch of not only the halfling pantheon, but the whole race itself. With her charming personality, friendly demeanor she is an example to all halflings who almost all share her curiosity, loyalty and sense of mischief.
- [[Plik:Yondalla and Dallah Thaun.jpg|thumb|left|250px|Yondalla i jej sekretny aspekt Dallah Thaun]] thumb|left|250px|Symbol Yondalli File:3f-logo.gif Ten fragment dotyczy świata Zapomniane Krainy 3 ed. Yondalla (jon-da-la) stworzyła rasę niziołków na własne podobieństwo i to dzięki jej czarującej osobowości, przyjaznemu nastawieniu do świata, ciekawości, lojalności i poczuciu humoru niziołki są najbardziej przyjacielską i sympatyczną z dobrych ras. thumb|left|250px|Yondalla (pierwsza od prawej)
- Yondalla, pronounced yon-dah-lah, created the halfling race in her own image, and it is due to her charming personality, friendly demeanor, curiosity, loyalty, and sense of mischief that halflings are among the best-tempered of the goodly races. As the matriarch of the halfling pantheon, and, indeed, the entire race, all halflings revere the Blessed One. Even those few who have rejected traditional values of the hin respect Yondalla for her guidance of the race as a whole.
- In the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game, Yondalla is the chief halfling goddess and a member of the game's "core pantheon". Her symbol is a shield with a cornucopia motif. Yondalla is the goddess of Protection, Fertility, the Halfling Race, Children, Security, Leadership, Diplomacy, Wisdom, the Cycle of Life, Creation, Family and Familial Love, Tradition, Community, Harmony, and Prosperity. Yondalla is also known as the Protector and the Provider, the Nurturing Matriarch, and the Blessed One. Yondalla lives in the halfling realm of the Green Fields on the plane of Mount Celestia.