| - Pratyabhijna (IAST Pratyabhijñā; Sanskrit: प्रत्यभिज्ञा), a branch of Kashmir Shaivism, is an idealistic monistic and theistic philosophy originating in the 9th century A.D. The name of the system is derived from its most famous work, Isvara Pratyabhijna Karika by Utpaladeva. Etymologically, Pratyabhijna is formed from prati – "something once known, now appearing as forgotten", abhi – "immediate" and jna – "to know". So, the meaning is direct knowledge of one's self, recognition.
| - Pratyabhijna (IAST Pratyabhijñā; Sanskrit: प्रत्यभिज्ञा), a branch of Kashmir Shaivism, is an idealistic monistic and theistic philosophy originating in the 9th century A.D. The name of the system is derived from its most famous work, Isvara Pratyabhijna Karika by Utpaladeva. Etymologically, Pratyabhijna is formed from prati – "something once known, now appearing as forgotten", abhi – "immediate" and jna – "to know". So, the meaning is direct knowledge of one's self, recognition. The central thesis of this philosophy is that everything is Shiva, absolute consciousness, and it is possible to re-cognize this fundamental reality and be freed from limitations, identified with Shiva and immersed in bliss. Thus, the slave (pasu - the human condition) becomes the master (pati - the divine condition).